Annie LeBlanc:16 bad ass BFFs:Kenzi Jayden Lauren bf:Hayden
Lauren Orlando:16 bad ass BFFs:Kenzi Jayden Kenzi
Jayden Bartels:16 baddest ass BFFs:Annie Kenzi Lauren bf:Connor
Kenzi Angel:16 bad ass BFFs:Annie Lauren Jayden bf:johnny
Connor LeBlanc:*Annie's older cousin* 16 bad ass BFFs:johnny Carson Will Asher gf:Jayden
Johnny Orlando:16 bad ass gf:Kenzi BFFs:Connor Carson Will Asher
Carson Lueders *Annie's older twin*:16 bad ass BFFs:Will Connor Johnny Asher
William Franklin Miller:16 bad ass BFFs:johnny Carson Connor Asher
Asher Angel:16 *Kenzi's brother*bffs:Carson Connor johnny Will
Messed Up Life😓
RandomAnnie has always had a messed up life, she gets abused at home, her boyfriend Hayden abuses her, she had a sister and brother but they passed.Her parents blame her for them passing. she ends up turning really bad and everyone at the school knows her...