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It was a gloomy morning. You woke up on the wrong side of the bed. University life is not fun especially when you’re only a year away from graduating. You had an exam in Chemistry this morning. You hated chemicals and equations. The only reason that made the class bearable was because of a tall, young, handsome guy named Kris. A lot of girls admire Kris, and you were not an exception. The boy was intelligent. He always aced his exams and answered the professor’s questions correctly. As you walked to your seat, you noticed Kris seating on the first row in the middle of the class. He was reading a book. He’s probably studying. You slowly make your way to the back of the class where you seat near the window. The professor soon enters and starts handing out the exam papers.

After an hour of mentally cursing, crying and searching your brain for the correct answers, you finally finished your exam. You, Kris and the professor were left in the room. You give your paper to the professor and leave.

-Kris’ pov-

I saw her entering the room. She was frowning and she looked like a mess but she still looked beautiful to me, like she always does. She was holding a cup of coffee. I suddenly looked down when she looked my way. She has this unique sweet scent as she passed me by to go to her seat near the window. I would sometimes catch her day dreaming in some of our lectures as she stared out the window. She looks so beautiful. The room is hushed the moment the professor entered the room.

I’ve finished my exam 30 minutes ago, but I just sat there waiting for her.

30 more minutes passed and she was finished. She gave her paper to the professor. I soon followed.

As she walked out the door, our professor stopped me

“Mr Wu, could you please do me a favour?” he asks

I looked at her retreating figure and answered “What is it, sir?”

“Could you please check these papers for me?”

“Of course, sir” I smiled

“Great. I’ll give you the answers after class”

I immediately went home to start on the papers. After 15 papers, I encounter her paper. She did great in the exam. She only had 3 mistakes. I set aside her paper and continue checking.

-Your pov-

Another day, another boring Chemistry class; Kris was in his usual seat. When I entered the room Kris immediately looked at me and I became self-conscious. Why is it in all of the days that he would look at me why today? I looked like a mess. I was wearing a plain black leggings and a grey sweatshirt on and y hair was in a messy bun. I hurriedly went to my seat when the professor entered the room.

My test paper arrives and unsurprisingly I find a note

You look beautiful as always

I looked around the room to see if someone was looking at me. No one.

“okay, class. Let’s do a seatwork”

When I finished my exam I wrote something at the back

Mind telling me who you are? I’d like to meet you.

“okay class pass your papers”

The professor shuffles the papers and passes them out

I observe the people inside the room. One of them must be the one writing those words on my paper.

I can’t see anyone suspicious. My paper then arrives.

Sure. Meet me after class. I’ll wait for you outside.

My heart started to beat fast. That person’s here.

The bell rings and I immediately fix my things and run for the door. In my haste I didn’t notice Kris in front of me and I stumble. My things are now a mess at the floor

“I’m sorry” we say in unison

“I’m sorry I wasn’t looking. I’m kind of in a hurry”

“Mr Wu” our professor calls “thank you for checking all those papers for me. I’ll be going now”

Realization hit me. It can’t be. Now way. Seriously?

“it’s you!” I point at him

“me?” Kris looks at me nervously

“you’re the guy who leaves notes on my papers”

“is there a problem with that?” he smirks

“I’m not complaining.” I smile

“would like to have coffee with me?” he asks nervously

“that would be nice”

He offers his hand for me to hold.

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