Chapter One - Not A Perfect Girl

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My my brother woke me up. He didn't ment to do it. He was yelling at mum, because he couldn't find a shirt to wear.

I hate waking up. Dreams make me forget about realty. But it's time to get up.

I prepered my bag for school.

I heard knocking on my door. Mum opened it. "Oh, you are awake already. Can I make you a smoothie?" I shrugghed. "Sure." She went away.

I dressed up. I picked up my smothee and drank it. Brushed my teeth. My sister was prepered so we went to school. She is in first and I'm in ninth grade. That means that I'm soon going to be 14 years old. But I've always felt older. Maybe because everyone threated me like that. When I was a child, my mom was depressed. I have always been there for her. But she wasn't there for me. So I found other way to forget. Books. They are the best. And YouTube of course.

First thing to do, when we got to school was, that I had to take my stuff for PE. Then, I took Lars to her class and ran to gym. I met my friends and I started to change myself to my PE sout.

"You don't need to change, Aya. We are dancing this month," my best friend Jane told me. She was right. It was begining of December and every year we had dancing in PE class. It's stupid but I enjoyed it anyway. I loved dancing and I was good at it. So I always got five (that's how we get grates in elementary school in Slovenia. Five is "great", four is "almost great", three is "good", two is "good enough", one is "you are fucked").

"Will you dance with me, Milady?" I asked her with exaggeration and with a small bow. She laughed. "Oh, yes, of course." I smiled.

There were to many girls in our class, so some of us couldn't dance with a boy. That was fine with me and the others. It would've been funnier if guys were supposed to dance together. It would've been awesome.

The second period were physics. The teacher half runned into class. He had angry expression on his face.

Great, I sarcastically tought, he is in a bad mood.

"You have an exam in seven days. Who volunteers for asking!?" he said with angry, half smile on his face. Asking is how we get grades. Asking, tests and presentations. We get called in front of the class and teachers ask us few questions. They grade us after they see how well we answer.
They can even fuck us up and ask us impossible questions.

But this dude over here was an idiot. I knew more about his life, than the class itself.

He did not know how to teach. I mean, he got one at physics in high school. Why would he ever teach the class he failed at?


I wanted to run, I wanted to hide. To not be seen. That second wish was not possible. I was the tallest girl in our class. With 1,7 meters (5' 6") I was one head taller than almost every girl in our class. We were short generation, what can I say.

Also, my eyes were two different colours. Right was dark brown and left was dark blue. I loved them. They mached my dark oliv skin.

"No one?" teacher asked (not really suprised), after no one said a word. He sighed. "Well then, why din you get over here, Ay-"

"I want to be asked!"

His words were cut by my friend that was sitting next to me. I looked at her.

Samantha or - how everybody called her - Sam.

Smart-ass girl with great grades.

She knew that I have no idea what the class is about. She often studied with her dad, who knew everything about physics. She told me that they are basicly best friends.

I felt envy towards her. To have such a good relationship with your father. It seemed impossible for me to ever had that with my own.

She stood up and went in front of the class.

I shot her with thankfuly look and a smirk. She answered with girl-it's-fine look.

"Ok, Sam, lets start."

The moment I came home I was attacked by my father. "Where the fuck were you!?" he asked. "I had seven periods today, dad."

He started shouting about something. I did not listen to him and went to my room.

"Where do you think you are going? We are not done!"

and then he did something he has never done before.

He threw a punch.

So thats for the first one. Sorry for not uploading to any of my stories, this month was simply the busiest of the fucking year.
UPDATE 2016:I changed some names up and realised I don't want this to be a fanfiction.
Also, for people who don't know Japanese baka means idiot. I'm going to use this term a loooot in this story.

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LOve, AloneWolf

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