| I'm Dead?! |

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   Today was a day just like any other, I was sitting in my desk, next to the window, doing my homework. 

"Jeez, I wish something interesting would happen" (Me)

I was just being lazy because I didn't remember the translation for the word I was on.

 "Man it's hot in here, Is the A/C on?" (Me)

"Didn't Sensei say the A/C was broken?" (Completely Irrelevant Character)

"Oh, Now that you mention it, I did hear her say something like that." (Me)

"I'll Open up the Window." (Me)

So I opened up the window, and sat back down at my desk. I stared at my almost blank paper for what seemed like hours, then something hit me, no not an idea, something LITERALLY hit me. Apparently some kids were playing baseball outside, and a baseball just happened to go through the window, bounce off every wall, and hit me right on the pencil I was holding near my neck. 

[A/N: It Won't let me upload the gif so Ima just pop the link where I got it from in here:                 https://tenor.com/veiw/anime-ouch-gif-10462718 ]

 It's Dark.

 Am I dead? Actually, Scratch that, I know I'm dead. But what am I gonna do next? Float around in this endless darkness forever? That'd be pretty boring...


Timeskip to: ??? Provided by Chibi Damian Sleeping in darkness


  I have no idea how long I've been here. 

I feel like it's been a while since I last saw the light. 

I wonder how my litt- Wait. Is that... Light? I Gradually get enveloped by it and next thing I know, It's like I was never dead, I seem to be back near the school building. I Hear, Sirens?, No they're too loud to be sirens, and where is everybody?

"H-hello? is anybody there?" (Me)

I look at my reflection in a window and a box pops in front of my face:


Name: Damian Kirishima

Spirit Name: ???

Race: Spirit

Level: 999 (Max)

Atk: 999,999,999 (Broken)

Def: 999,999,999 (Broken)

Spd: 999,999,999 (Broken)

Spirit Atk: 999,999,999 (Broken)

Spirit Def: 999,999,999 (Broken)

Spirit Energy: Infinite (Broken!!)

Iq: 999 (Max)

Luck: -999,999,999 (Broken?)
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