| What I've Become |

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[A/N: Sorry for the late Update guys, I've been just been really busy, And hope you enjoy another (Mostly) Original Chapter]

"Why should I run?" (Tohka)

"Because He's not exactly in the best mood" (Kotori)

As she finishes saying that a dark crimson slash of energy flys right by Tohka's head, barely missing her.

"What's going on?" (Kotori)

"He's gone inverse" (Reine)

"After this long?!, Does this mean he can choose whether he wants to go inverse or not?" (Kotori)

"What's an inverse?" (Shido)

"An Inverse is when a spirit's Energy goes negative. It usually only happens when there's a severe change in their mental state." (Kotori)

"Then how did this happen? He seemed just fine until he passed out?" (Shido)

"Maybe he had a really REALLY bad dream or something" (Kotori)

"Hey, Where are you going? The fun's just getting started?" (Damian?)

Damian Sprints? Jumps? Transcends time and Space? And appears directly in front of Kotori, Shido, and Tohka and Readies a fist for a punch.

"Not good!" (Shido & Friends)

He Starts the punch, but something strange and (Totally) Unexpected happens, his other hand stopped the punch.

"Huh?" (Shido & Friends)

"S-op It..." (Damian?!)

"Did he not go completely inverse?" (Kotori)

"Ugh.. I thought I dealt with you for a little bit at least" (Damian...?)

"N-Not even close bud." (Damian!)

He Starts to mumble to himself, having an argument.

Meanwhile Tohka, Shido, Kotori, and Reine just chibi stare at him, not knowing whether to be concerned, confused, or to just leave him be.

"Uhm, Hello? We're still here you know" (Tokha, Shido, Kotori)

Finally something with him changes and he busts out laughing.

"Ah, Fine, you win this time, But next tme, you won't!" (Damian?)

"Good, I was getting bored" (Damian)

Suddeny his armour goes back to normal and his hair goes back to it's usual white colour.
He falls to his knee and starts to get up but stumbles a little bit.

"Ahhh" (Damian) 

He Stretches a little bit and starts to walk away

"Well, I'll see you in a bit guys, I'm a little bit tired, So I'm going to go to bed" (Damian)

"What was that? Is he really fine?" (Shido & Kotori)

"He did... Go inverse didn't he?" (Kotori)

"Signs and Statistics show that he did, but what we just saw denies it" (Reine)

"What do you mean by "Inverse"?" (Shido)

"An Inverse is when a spirit's energy goes into the negative energy levels, usually their appearence changes, their personality changes, they become hard to speak to and incredibly violent" (Kotori)

"Have they ever returned from that state on their own?" (Shido)

"Very few have ever gone inverse, and they few that have have dissapeared." (Reine)

"If they become very violent, then did he even go inverse? It seemed more like a comedy act than what you described.." (Shido)

"You have a point... It was more like he just had a quick change in personality..." (Kotori)

"Is it possible he didn't go inverse?" (Tohka)

"So... He is a spirit" (Origami)

"Well... Yes..." (Everybody)

"And here I was going to try and register him for the AST... Guess he would't like that..." (Origami)

"You probably still could, If he's willing to fight he could be a valueable asset for the AST" (Reine)

"But I can't force that on him.." (Origami)

"You should at least ask him, even we aren't quite sure on his standing with other AST units, nor his Standing with other spirits. For all we know, he could be a Hazard to us in Rataoskr." (Kotori)

"Wait, You know he's a Spirit, but you don't know anything about him?" (Origami)

"We only know what he told us when we questioned him, And we decided at the time that it wouldn't be wise to question him too much" (Kotori)

"Then I guess I could ask him, but... Then there's if they'll even let him in, and how we'd get around him being a spirit." (Origami)

"If he accepts, we'll handle the paperwork, It'd be good research to see how a Spirit would do in the AST" (Kotori)

"Well in that case, I guess I have no choice but to ask..." (Origami)

Timeskip to after school brought to you by chibi Origami thinking

Origami is walking out of the school door and sees that Damian is standing at the Gate, Waiting.

"Damian, What are you doing here?" (Origami)

"Just waiting for my cute little sis, is there something wrong with that?" (Damian)

"I guess there's nothing wrong, How are you doing?" (Origami)

"I'm doing just fine, all I needed was a little bit of sleep, I was just a bit tired..." (Damian)

They start to walk back to Origami's apartment together when they run into Shido, Kotori, and Tohka walking back home.

"Hey, Damian, are you feeling any better?" (Shido)

"Yea, I'm all good, Just needed a little bit of sleep" (Damian)

Kotori walks up to Origami and whispers something into her ear, then goes back to catch up with Shido.

"Bye!" (Everybody)

Timeskip to later that night, brought to you by Chibi Kotori watching Damian and Origami

"So, Damian, how would you feel about joining the AST?" (Origami)

"You mean the Mecha-Mecha girl squad that you're a part of?" (Damian)

"Yea, I could try to get you in so you have something to do other than just hang around the apartment all day, Of course if you don't want to, that's fine too..." (Origami)

"I mean, I don't see why not, I've got nothing better to do." (Damian)

"O-Okay, I'll try to get you in..." (Origami)

    [A/N: Sorry for the Really late Update, I've just been so busy, and I've been at a writer's block, so comment down below any ideas you may have (I really need them xD)]

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