Got you good~

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Pt 3

"You might want to get ready cuz this prank is gonna be awesome sweet heart. And your gonna help wether you like it or not." he says as he bends down face to face with me I growl again. This may just be pranks but I am taking it seriously. I don't like to lose. I jump up off the bed instantly regretting my decision and face planting on the ground. Vanoss laughs as Lui helps me up and places me back on the bed. Lui then stands back and a knock is heard at the door. Vanoss looks at Lui and Lui at Vanoss. Vanoss nods and Lui goes to the door. "Password!" Lui whispers loud enough for the other person to hear. "Do I really have to say it?!" I hear Ohm ask. "Yes! Yes you do." Lui while silently giggling to himself. "Mutant gummy worm bitch now let me in." Ohm says before Lui opens the door. "Oh so this is our bate! I like the way you think Vanoss!" Ohm says getting excited. "Thanks. Now, Ohm, we called you in here for a reason. Follow me." Vanoss says as he and ohm walk out on to what looked like a balcony and shut the door. I look over at Lui to see him on his phone. I sigh and flop back onto the bed. It's a surprisingly comfy bed. It has red silk sheets and a big black thick blanket over top. But I don't have time to think about a bed I need to escape. I look up to see Lui still on his phone. Hmmm what can I do. "Understand Nothing bad is gonna happen Ohm. Got it." My thoughts are interrupted by Vanoss and ohm coming back inside. Ohm looks irritated as he nods his head. "Yeah nothing bass gonna happen I swear." Ohm says as he looks over at me. "Ok. So what are we waiting for then? Let's go prank delirious! Oh wait we should probably explain this all to freak first." Lui says as he walks over to me. "Ok. So, earlier me and Vanoss set up a little hostage situation in ohms room. Basically delirious will walk in see you tied up and unconscious on ohms bed and ohm will be on the floor with fake blood on his head. Then once he's seen all of this and soaked it in wildcat will pop out of the closet wearing all black and a black ski mask and knock out delirious! Well you'll be awak by then to see what happens next." He says with a smirk. Vanoss walks over to Lui with a needle and holds it out to him. Lui shivers "you do it needles creep me out." I begin to panick as Vanoss shrugs and holds the needle up. I squirm around trying to get away. This is crossing the line. "Ohm a little help here please?! She's freaking the fuck out!" Vanoss spits at Ohm. "Ok. Ok. God calm your Tities!" Ohm says as he rushed over to hold me still. I feel a small pinch on my neck. I close my eyes and open them again as everything begins to get blurry. I start to lose feeling in my body. "Sweet dreams beautiful..." I hear before it was lights out.

"Cmon we need to get him on the roof before he wakes up!"

"Ok. I'll get freak and you get delirious. Ready?"

"Yep let's go." 
I feel myself get lifted off the floor and thrown over someone shoulder. It was pitch black. Is it night time? Or is there something covering my face. I try to reach my face but remember my hands are tied. Shit. What is happening?! I hear a door swing open and then close behind whoever is carrying me. I feel myself being placed in a chair and tied to it. All of a sudden it's super bright. I guess they had a bag over my head after all. I look around to see delirious also tied in a chair beside me. He also had a bag over his head. I look up to see it was indeed night time. "Tape her mouth so she doesn't tell Delirious it's a prank would ya?" I hear before wildcat walks over to me with a smirk. "My pleaser." He says before taping my mouth shut." I try to say fuck you but it just comes out as hums. "Oh! What was that? I couldn't hear you." Wildcat says with a giggle. He walks back over to Vanoss and whispers something. Vanoss nods in response. "Ok boys get ready we are about to wake up del so put your voice changers on!" He says as he pulls a ski mask over his face and puts on something that looks like a coller. Lui goes behind A big spot light and turns it on as he points it at delirious' face. "Finally it's time!" Someone shouts before I  see one of them rip the hood off of delirious' head and splash water in his face. He has his mask off... I. Holy shit. His jawline could cut a bitch. His face looks way better than I imagined. Not that I imagined anything bad after staring in to those beautiful eyes. He has dimples? dimples. Oh those dimples. I'm snapped out of my day dreaming as I remember what's happening. He squints his eyes before realizing what's going on. He tries to get up but fails due to being tied to the chair he's in. "Who the fuck are you?!" He yells and I hear all of the boys snicker.  "You don't need to know that. All you need to know is that we have your little girlfriend." He says as one of them takes me out of the chair and throws me on to delirious' lap. I look him in the eye and shake my head trying to tell him is fake. "F-freak?" He says as he looks at me. One of the boys grab me off of delirious and throws me to the ground before positioning me on my knees. "YOU LETHER GO!!! OR I SWEAR TO GOD!" He yells in a voice that even scared me. And I'm the one he's trying to save. All of a sudden I hear something click and feel cold touch the back of my head. "You sure you want to yell at me boy?" The one behind me says. I freeze. Is he holding a gun to my head? Holy shit. A fucking gun?! "Ok. Ok. What do you want? Money? I can get you money! Just leave her out of this! Please." He begs and I hear one of them laugh. "Don't you see we don't want your money. We want to see you suffer." One of them say. My eyes widen as I feel myself being lifted. "Who wants to have some fun?" I assume Vanoss asked. "OOH OOH I DO!" I hear one of them yell who I assume is Lui do to that child like talk of his. "Ok Sven. Take her to the back and have some 'fun' with her come get another one of the boys when your done." What did he just say?! WHAT THE FUCK DID HE JUST SAY?! I break out of his grasp and made an escape. Well a failed escape. One of them grabbed me and through me in front of delirious. "Trouble maker huh? Ok. We didn't really need you anyway. I feel a pinch in my neck again as I feel something cold touch the front of my neck and then everything goes black. I wake up to see delirious crying and the boys standing there not knowing what to do next. I try to sit up but it's kinda hard when your hands are tied behind your back. Delirious notices me moving around and take a deep breath. "Freak!? Your not dead?! But he cut your throat?!" He says. The light cuts off and Vanoss walks over to delirious and pulls of his ski mask and voice changer. "Gotcha Bitch!" He says and laughs. All the other laugh as well as they all start to pull off their masks and voice changers. "WHAT THE FUCK VANOSS?! THAT WASN'T FUNNY?!" Delirious yells as they untie him. He gets up and drops in front of me. "Freak. Freak! Are you ok?!" He says snapping his finger in front of my face. He sits me up in his lap and pulls the duck tape off my face. I wince at the pain but soon enough it goes away. He unties me and I instantly hug him. He hugs back and we stay like that for a while. "You should've seen the look on your face! Priceless!" Wildcat says as he walks over to us. Both me and delirious growl at him and he stops walking and laughs more "holy shit, we got you good" he says with a smirk.
"Let's get out of here y'all"

I'll always be more delirious than you~ (H2ODeliriousxReader)Where stories live. Discover now