Maybe They Are Right..

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Hello, this is my first Fanfic, enjoy please.
**(Warning cuss words)**

This font means that this is a flashback

(Author POV)

  It was summer of 2018 when Hoseok met Yoongi. Yoongi had gone out with some friends and there girlfriends. Obviously Yoongi had gone alone without anyone.

(Yoongi Pov)

'Do I really have to go to this? Yeah I probably should, the guys are waiting for me'
When I got there I realized that they had all brought dates and when I showed up they stared at me. Taehyung my best friend even was with his girlfriend.
I took my seat at the table. "Hey guys I have to use the restroom." I said clearly not wanting to be there. When I came back Taehyung pulled me aside. "They we're talking about you Yoongs...and let's just say that they weren't good things." Taehyung said in a worried voice. "Like what?"  I said not seeming to care even thought I was curious. "They we're saying like how your always alone had have nothing better to do than go out and drink by yourself in a bar, that you never had time for others and cared about nothing but yourself" it was stupid of me but out of anger I yelled at Tae. "WELL MAYBE THEY ARE RIGHT TAE! MAYBE IM JUST SELFISH AND DON'T CARE FOR ANYTHING OR ANYONE BUT MYSELF TAE!" Taehyung had know about my anger issues but he has never seen me get angry at him especially. I ran out the door with Tae's friends looking at Tae with a disgusted look, then looking at where I had left from.

On Curb Of The Street Across

I was mad, no pissed. I was pissed at myself because I knew what they said was right and I cared about nothing but myself. Tae was always there but he never comforted me like how a friend should have. He was just kind of there. Sure there were sometimes where he would make me laugh but that's all. I grab out a cigarette and a lighter from my back pocket and start to tear up. When I see this boy comes up to me and sit down next to me.

(End Of Yoongi's POV)
(Start Of Hoseok's POV)

Jesus people where so annoying these days, going to parties and getting at it with girls where definitely not my thing at all. I refused to go to a friends party but she begged me to come with her so I ended up at the party. I was sitting in the corner with a beer when I see someone come up to me. "Hey cutie" this tall girl with a mini skirt and a sleeveless crop top bends down to look at me. I turned to look the other way, not because I was mean or rude but because I'm just not the 'big party with a lot of people' kind of guy. "Do you want to come with me?" Her words slurring, she was drunk as hell. "no thanks I'm good, I'm not that kind of guy" I said as politely as possible. She walked away to go kiss another guy. "Psh slut.." I say to myself and obviously this guy she was kissing heard. "What did you say?" "I said that she's a slut, are you deaf?" Next thing I know is I have a black eye and a bleeding nose. I leave the party ready to completely pass out on my bed when I got home. On my way I see this guy...he looked like he had been having a shitter day than me so I decide to sit down next to him.

(Author POV)
"Hey man you okay?" Yoongi says seeing the guys black eye and now dried up bloody nose.
"Oh this? Haha well let's just say that I got into a fight with this girls boyfriend."
Yoongi was clearly worried for the guy so he gets up and offers him a hand up.
"I'm Hoseok by the way."    "Oh um Yoongi."   "So Yoongi what's up with your day?" He said as they where walking, without a destination in mind. "Nah man I just yelled at my best friend because his girlfriend and their friend where being assholes."
"Sounds like a shitty best friend if you ask me." Hoseok said only half jokingly
"Do you want to come to my place, we can get your face fixed up?" Yoongi asked.

Thanks for reading :)

Word count 750 words

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