Twins Vampire

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In a dark trilling town of Arus, there was a king and queen vampire who live happily. They are the one  commanding in their Community and having a different Physiognomy in others but their attitude towards them are the same .They have no child but they didn't  stop praying in bathala to give them a change of birthing.

In one day, the queen has a bad feeling she did not know what to do and she is a pregnant.
"Storm.....Storm......" Cried the queen .The king fast to run in her wife."What happen?" The king cried while he run at her."I have feeling bad Right now...I didn't know what to  do, I can't  understand "the queen said while she having a breathless."I watching the people over there, Suddenly Ill delirious."her postscript statement.

The maid accidentally hear what their talking about and she come close to them."I already notice that she is a pregnant"Maiden said while she viewed  the queen.
The king was shocked when she heard that. Finally they have possess a child but they are not deem with her because of their age .The king wanted to take his wife to old women who has know about vampire pregnant to know the truth.

In the afternoon, King was started to ride with his wife and in the morning they come in one forest that can not identify. It has tall grass and big trees in his background and in the middle of it, it has small cute Kubo made of coconut shell. The king enter to know some body inside and the queen stay beside the horse."Knock..knock..its  somebody there??the king shout in front of the kubo .In the other side of the kubo it has an old woman, her  hair like the corn hair and she have long beard. If you can see her you have sympathy at her because of her appearance."Yes, what can i do to you Sir?" The old woman answered at him."Hello old woman,  I'm the king of Arus you call me Storm"the king said to the old woman."I want to know what happen to my wife old woman"the king continued. The old woman view the appearance of his wife before she speak. "I wondered that your wife is pregnant"

The king was surprise when he heard the old woman statement. He ask in the old women if she sure to her said while ago. The old women smile and said "Yes...Go and announce in your palace that your wife has been pregnant. That is a big blessing to your family. I know that you have no child already now you have been possess. The king get his horse and catch on the back of the  horse with his wife. Before they left, they wave their hand to old women and say " Bye old woman". The old women view the king and queen until they was gone.

The king and queen come back to their palace. He  collect his people to announce their  good news about them. While he talking he can not release his smile in his face .The people was shocked when he announced it.
"Oh!its that true that the queen is pregnant"
"Yes, they said"
"How come that she is pregnant, they are older know"
"Yeah! But i think is they have  trust in god to give them a child"
"Oh! Is that so?"
That people in their palace was clamor because of that. The king say that he wants to make a big celebration to Congratulate them.




After their celebration they back to their work and queen is can not able to do anything because king wants her to rest and to make sure that their child to be safe.

Month past by, the Queen was getting to birth. They have no idea that they child was twin they surprise when they knew it. They are so happy when they twin was birth. The people started to respect like what they to their parent. They are who make people to be happy. They parents was not hard to exagerate to them  because they are easy to teach.

The King name the Twin Vampire as Juelz and Izaiah. They were so close since they birth. They have like and hate things. They like a bestfriend. It was change when king Storm died, they did not know who make it to him. The vampires twin can not accept what happen to their father. They tried to find the truth but they did not find. Vampire twins decide who of them  to substitute to their father. The twins started   a battle, if some one of them can win he became the king. They continue the battle until Juelz was stricken by the sword of Izaiah, when Juelz stricken their mother exactly saw them. She can not believe that they do this for the sake of their palace. The queen can not hamper the shed of a tears."Child!!!why do you do this if can consider both you to became a king because you are a twin. I don't want to see you like this most specially to your father. He want you to be safe and happy. Child please stop it, please come back what you are in the past where you are always give change to each other or like an a best friend. Take note my dear son you are brother so please stop it. The twins stop fighting  and   listen to their mother and they concurrent to say "Sorry Mom".
The twins became a king and and they became a best friend brother. The live happily and after with their Mother and the people in their palace.


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