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Papa... Yes my son. tell me a story,
Hahaha,( he chuckles)let me tell you a story that my father told me.

Long ago, before my father's father,  men
From far far away,  we're the clouds could not reach, men which skin have no colour,
Came to our stead with the guise of coming
as tourist.
There approach was rather subtle, than direct, they exploit our  lands, they took
For themselves the Figurines that belonged
to the gods of our ancestors,
they assaulted our customs, even though
there were warned several times.
The white man promised to stay for some weeks,  but they stayed more than sixteen (16) moons they came in more numbers,
the more the numbers the more they uppressed us in our own home. They took
Our heritage right from our faces,
They turned our  sunghai's, palace into there settlement for inhuman practices.

The playful laughter of little  children that soared the air sized, and became silent, the cold and quite was defining, we were caged in freedom,
with our village as our prison bars.
They took everything  from us just because
they could, they saw us as infirior and treated us like dirt" they were our guest and now we are becoming  there slaves"
they took our lands before asking us,
They raped our wife's and daughters,  they took our sons as helps and never had mercy
When they came to fault.
The gods are angry the priest had warned, 
and now it's been more than five moons
and  our soil are becoming as hard as rocks
Wahaguru( god of dew)  have refused to make it rain. we starved, our children died
But the white man seems to care less about what happens to us, to them we were as animals.
Enough is enough! Rambi bellowed he was one of the chief guards, and he seems to be the only one bold enough to talk about the forigneers. But Rambi seems to be the only one speaking so he called a secreate meeting  at the neighbouring village, He spoke about fighting the white men and taking back there land. At first the men were too afraid to  fight against  men who carried there powerful gods in  straight 
Rods, and there gods tend to respond when ever they ask,  bringing out fire like stones  killing it's victims.
But as the days go by and they come to see how at risk they were, at losing there home for good, they summoned up courage and took the strangers of guard,  they had a fierce battle of about eighteen (18) days, were more than one neighboring clans came together for the aid of there sister tribe.

Although they had a lot of casualties,  some
Badly injured, many died, and they succeded in stealing not only the tobacco, we have gathered for more than seven years but also, some of our precious stones.
We vowed never to let them near us again
Not to talk of even coming into our land..
For we asked ourselves, are they visitors or predators.
    Several times  papa has told me stories upon stories, i  just love them  and  could'nt wait for another one "i wondered were   papa get to know all this stories" But after papa told me the story, that his papa told him about the white man. I became so terrified , one day the white men will come on there horses  in there numbers. As i lay down on my kofi'to, The  night was so thick that i could slice out of it,  papa use to tell me " fear is for the brave, for cowards never stare it in the eyes " So am i fearless of being fearful, do i need courage to learn how to cry?
     I have always believe what papa told me. But my heart is to afarid to let it in , i dont really feel very brave now. I wondered if others share the same notion as me, are they half as scared as i am. All this were the content of my heart through out the eve of the festival of  dreams. I only had one supplicative request for  the gods, let the intentions if the white man be true this time, that was my request.
   Mami  always love singing whenever she cleans,  i dont know if that was  what woke me up  or the weariness i felt in my limbs  for staying up too  late.  I stood up and picked up my kofi'to,  we had three like it,
but i had a special attachment to it.
Papa has said that it was on these kofi'to
that mami had given birth to me.
I quickly rolled it up and stood it at the corner of my minisized room. I passed
through the door way, and could still remember how papa had to bow his head very low, for his lanky body to pass through.
Mami, kumai(grettings),  blessed are you by the gods, how was your night? She asked me
like i could give her another reply than fine,
and that's what what i Vioced, i wonder if she had  desame worries as i did.
But  i know  it's, bright days that gives birth to dark nights, and the darkest of nights produce the Brightest of stars,
We will wait and see, for wheather we like it or not the white man will come to mutanga!

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