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"Making million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you"

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship zooming through the sky little Einstein"

"Wait who change my alaram sounds?" If u can tell I'm already waking up by the sound of my alaram singing little Einstein.

"Climb abort get ready to explore there's so much to find" that's not my alaram? Ohhhh godddd that


"Goodd morning sunshineee..." than she comin to my room .

probably u wondering who is sapphire and why the hell she's in my house right ?.
Well unfortunately she's one of my bestfriend and if u ask why they is in my house i don't have any idea why the hell they always came to my house, yup "they" cuz i had two bestfriend .

"Goddddd you had a lot of food in your kitchen want me to clean all the food for you, in meaning eat all of your food" Rubby came to my room with hand full of snack.

"Kill me first" and that's one is rubby my food crazy bestfriend .

"Waking up in wrong side of the bed ?" Rubby ask.

"Shut up!!"

"Im just asking , don't be rude" rubby Said

"You start it first"


"Here we go again" sapphire said

Rubby and i Always fight dont know why ? And sapphire just gonna sit and watch unless it out of control than she gonna help.

"Guys just shut up and you ewww rubby ewww just chill with those snacks they not gonna run, emeralddd go showeeerrr we're going to mall" today is sunday and rubby and sapphire need to go to mall and honestly me too i had to buy new dress for another date.

"But wait let me show u guys something" im taking my phone and show my friend these guys "do u guys thing i should go with the senior one or the freshman?"

"Emeralddd godd can you not" rubby Said

"Im just asking for opinion"

"I think the senior one , he's hot!" Sapphire said

"I know right!!"

"I don't even know what to tell" Rubby said and back to her phone.

"Than don't tell anything" sapphire Said yes she's lil bit sassy

And if u can tell im a player / playgirl , but let me tell u deep deep down i don't care.

After i go out of the shower than getting ready , than im ready .

"Bitchess im done"

"Godd u taking forever too get ready" sapphire Said

"Don't be dramatic"

"Yeah don't be dramatic sapphire" rubby said

"Bitch shut up"

"Who's driving today me ?or you?" i ask rubby."

"Meeee" sapphire said.

"No i still want to go to prom" i Said sarcasticly

"Okay mee" rubby Said than get in to the driver side
And im on the other side and rubby start to drive.

"Umm do you guys remember Madison ?" I ask

"Umm yes duhh" saph said

"What's up with that bitch" rubby turn to ask

"She's now dating edoardo u guys"

"Nooooooooooooo" saph said

"What , don't said you had crush on ed?" I Said

"Eww nooo"

"Don't get mad but me and sapphire kinda ship you and ed together" rubby said

"No my ship is sink" saph Said

"Ewww noo hell nooo ewww grosss" i said i can't even think what will happend if i date to him

"Why not he's tottaly godess" saph Said

"Trueee" rubby Said

"Than u date xander , and u date leo" i said

"Eww thats  the grosses thing you ever said" saph said

"Thank u next" rubby said

"Than same" i said

"I just can't understand why you dont hit on him"
Saph Said

"Cause he's a player" i Said

"And u not" saph said

"Yeah and u not?" Rubby Said


So after that we just start singing to all the song untill we arrive at the mall.

Suprisingly we're no need for stop for rubby go pee.

After we arrive at the mall we decide to doing a little bit shopping , jk not a little bit.

And after that we're going to watch lion king. And speak of the buffalo there's Madison too idk she watch the typical kind of that movie , jk she go there's just for make out with ed until the end of the movie.

After the movie and some gross moment we're decide to go home cuz it's getting late and tomorrow we had hell to go .

And that the first chapter.
What do u think?
What your favorite character?

Don't forget to comment and vote .
Okay see u on the next chapter .

Lots of love - bell
(Sorry english is not my first language)

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