Chapter 2: The Concert~

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(The Next Day~)

I spent half the day wondering what shaney had planned for me..A trip to Hot Topic, maybe? That wouls be fucking awesome...Cause I need some new shit. It was 5: 25, when I finished getting ready, when I recieved a new text from, i wonder who. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and saw it was a new message from Shaney.



I chuckled and texted back.

Yeah dude, calm your tits :p.


MY TITS ARE CALM! :P. Now get outside, I'm waiting in your driveway.


I sighed and shoved my phone back in my pocket. I ran downstairs and said "Bye guys, I'll see you later!"

My mom came in and asked "Where ya heading?"

I looked back and said "Shaney's taking me out for my birthday. I have no clue what she planned."

"Okay sweetheart. Make sure your phone is turned up, and check in every hour! I love you!" 

I said "Love you too! Bye!" and walked out.

I closed the front door behind me and saw Shaney's car, sitting in the driveway. I could hear Motionless In White, blasting from the car. I ran over, climbed into the passengers side and she turned the song down, before attacking me in a hug.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" she squealed, her grip on me getting tighter.

I laughed and said "Thanks Shay...Umm, can you let go now?" she let go and smiled like the Cheshire Cat. I raised an eyebrow at her and asked "What up with the creepy smile?" She laughed and said "Oh nothing...Just thought I'd give you your birthday present..' She pulled out a small rectangular box, and handed it to me. I took it from her and opened it.

"You got me paper for my birthday?" I asked, looking at her confused. 

She rolled her eyes and said "Pick them up and turn them over, smart one."

I picked up the paper from the box, and realized they were tickets. When I turned them over, my heart stopped when I saw three familiar words.


I screamed at the top of my lungs and started having a fangirl attack. I jumped up and down in my seat, clutching the tickets in my hand and asked "YOU GOT MOTIONLESS TICKETS?!?!" She nodded and said "I told you you'd love it!" 

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!" This time, I attacked her in a hug and yelled  "I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" She laughed and said "Love you too, A...Come on, let's go." She backed out of the driveway, and we were off.

This was too good to be true.


(An Hour Later~)

We pulled into the parking lot of the venue, and got directed through traffic. Once we found a spot, Shaney killed the engine, and we got out.

"Dude, I hope they play Burned At Both Ends!! I'm fucking obsessed with that song!!" Shaney exclaimed, grinning like an idiot.

"Nah, nah, nah, Black Damask is where it's at!" I argued. She nodded and said "True, true...Oh hey."

We stopped and I asked "What's up?" She smiled and said "i forgot something...It's in my bag." She pulled her bag off her shoulder and started digging through it. She pulled out a smallish square box, and handed it to me. "This is the second part to your gift...Open it."

I rasied an eyebrow at her, but opened the box anyway. I pulled some tissue paper away and nearly dropped the box.


She nodded and said "I'm very serious..Do you like it?"

I looked at her like she was crazy and asked "LIKE IT? I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! NOW WE GET TO MEET THE GUYS!!!" 

She smiled and said "Yep. But we have to go right now, if we're gonna meet them...They have an hour or so before the show starts."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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