1. ~Carlos~

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"Huh, what a day!" Jay said when he fell on his bed. I lie on my bed thermometer in my armpit. "Goodness learning just don't go to my head" Jay sighed and take his laptop. I give a little laugh and sink deeper into the pillow. "Otherwise, how are you feeling?" Jay asked and focus his look to me. "Surprisingly good" I answered and sneezed. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Jay asked. "Juice could be quite nice" I answered, blew and smiled in small ways. Jay nodded compassionately and went to get juice for me. My thermometer beeped and I took it in my hand. "This can't be real," I said aloud and sighted so deep that my throat hurts. On the meter, a screen displayed a reading 40,7°C. I pulled the blanket over me and I looked around in our room. My look rolled through the dark blue drapes, wood cabinets, Jay's bag (whom he hasn't unpacked even now, although we have been here like almost three weeks) and then through to dilapidated armchairs. When I was rolled the whole room with my eyes, also rotten corners of wallpaper, Jay walks in with a glass of juice. "Sorry, it took," He said and give me the glass of juice. "That's all right," I said and took the glass of juice. I harped on it a bit and then placed it on my bedside table.

I had fallen asleep for a moment, but I was awake when someone knocked frantically on the door. Jay got up and walked to the door. He opened the door and asked, "Hi, what are you doing here?" "Is Carlos here?" Somebody asked. Jay sighed and looked at me. He formed the name "Jane" at his mouth. My mouth popped open. Why did Jane miss me? I nodded to Jay. "Yeah, Carlos is here, but he's sick," Jay answered. "Okay, well this is a pretty quick thing if Carlos could take a moment," Jane said. I nodded my head crazy. Jay opened the door for Jane. "Hi," Jane said and came to sit on the foot of my bed. Jay grinned out of the room with a grin on his face and closed the door quietly behind him. I sighed and laughed. I moved my eyes to Jane who looked at me with a smile. "Do you have lots of fever?" Jane asked. "Umm well, when I measured it was 40,7 °C," I answered. "Wow that's pretty much" Jane was amazed. I nodded. "But hey you had something," I said and I sat up in a better position. "Yeah..." Jane said and lowered her eyes. She fluttered nervously at the hem of her skirt."Is everything alright?" I asked. Jane nodded and looked straight into my eyes. "I would take your help in one thing," Jane said. "So when you got better," Jane added. "Okay, what thing?" I asked. "Well I have a crush on to some boy and I wonder if you could help me with it?" Jane replied. I felt a sting in my heart. Jane likes someone else. "Yeah! Of course, I can help!" I said with a smile, hiding my disappointment. Jane got up and hugged me. "Get well soon!" Jane still welcomed before leaving. "I try," I said, whom Jane leaves already. I drank my juice and fell into lonely misery.

Jay entered the room and kept smiling. "What do you smile about now?" I asked and sneered. "Things just go on the right track!" Jay said and jumped on his bed. "Well it's good that even somebody is doing well," I said and looked down at my colorful quilt. "I guess it didn't go well with Jane," Jay said. "Well, no, but everything sucks when is sick," I said and sneered.

There was the first part! Tell me if you liked it! And yeah the sequel is coming!

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