Somebody Gets Hurt

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I can easily imagine Gizzy reaching a breaking point with Voice, after he betrayed him. Gizzy wouldn't just be mad at Voice, he would DESPISE  him. After that there would be no chance at redemption. I used BNHA for the animation because I see a lot of parallels between the characters. Voice and Todoroki (The scar dude), are both stoic, cold and intuitive. While Izuku and Gizzy are both kind protagonists, but can only take so much.

[Gizzy, spoken:]
See? That is the thing with you Guardians
You think everybody admires you when actually everybody hates you
[Voice, spoken:]
You told me to do this
It was your idea for me to act like them
Buddy, it's not pretend
You're as selfish as they come
You think the world can't see
You think the rest of us are dumb
I hate that demons guts
But here's what you don't comprehend
At least it has the guts to not pretend to be my friend...

*Starts tearing up a little*

[Voice, spoken:]

No, it's fine
Really fine
You'll do fine

[Gizzy:] *Hands, Voice book of all the advice he recorded from him*  

[Voice:] *Looks at the entries on how nice Gizzy thought he was*

And I think you really suck.

[Voice:] *Thinks about what he's done*

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