Chapter 1

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Prison is not that bad when you are actually in it, therapy on the other hand is. I have been in here for about ten months, I was charged with murder and sentenced fifteen years in prison. Oh how I will enjoy my stay. The day I was taken into custody I was pretty much all over the news. I didn't really care but my mom sure did.

When my mother heard the news she was ashamed of me. What mother wouldn't be? Not only did I ruin my own life but my family's lives as well. Everyone rejects me now, but I'm used to it, since my life itself is based on rejection. Even in this hell cell I am being rejected.

Some girls give me those looks of disgust, and I flip them off its not like they didn't do shit to be in here.

I spend most of my day at the weight room, the punch bag and I have become the very best of friends. If I hit it hard it hits me back. The security pays close attention to me wherever I go and the only reason that is valid for them to follow me is because I can beat anyone's ass. I love it. I love it that people fear me. It makes me feel some kind of special way.

Today I am going to start therapy for my anger issues and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). I have bad vibes about having a therapist, but it doesn't hurt to see if he or she can help me. I heard a clank on my cell bars and turned to see Betty smiling at me.

"Its time kiddo." She said opening my cell.

I sighed making my way out towards the hallway next to Betty.

"Its not that bad kid, the therapist you have is the best of the best." She said enthusiastically giving me a warm big smile and a pat on the back.

I returned her smile feeling weird. I have never smiled. I hate smiling. But, when it comes to Betty I must return it. She is the only one that accepts who I am even after what I have done.

We walked to the east wing of the prison where small offices are located for the therapists paying a visit.

"Which room am I going in?"

"The last one on the right."

"Is it a she or a he?"

"I believe they said your therapist was a male."

Great. It just had to be a man, aren't they aware I killed one?

"Okay LeeLee here you is your room, be nice, dont hit him in the balls, hit him in the face because you will probably kick his balls across the room knowing you." She said laughing hysterically. I couldn't help but laugh also.

"Okay go on in, if you need me scream for me I will literally be across the hallway."

I nodded my head before turning the door knob and entering the little room. I immediately noticed the man sitting on the desk looking down into what I assume is my profile. I took a seat across from him biting my nails. I already want to leave. A few minutes passed before he actually acknowledged my presence and spoke to me.

"Hello Layla, my name is Dr. Reigns but you can call me Roman."

I stared at him blankly taking a close look at his physical features. Damn.

I think I want therapy twenty-four seven.

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