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Ethan woke up to the sun beaming through his curtains, and hearing the shower in his bathroom running. He rubbed his eyes, pulling the quilt over his body, and scrolled through Instagram on his phone for a short while.

After a while, Emma walked into Ethan's room, with a towel wrapped around her body. She walked over to his wardrobe, pulling out one of his jumpers, and some jeans she had left a couple months ago.

She was about to leave the room, however she was stopped by two arms wrapping around her small frame tightly, and Ethan's head cuddling into her bare shoulder.
"Morning baby" Emma giggled, looking at him through the mirror in front of them.
"You look nice today" he mumbled into her shoulder.
"Ethan, I'm wearing a towel" she said, a questioning tone in her voice.
His head raised from her shoulder, and he spun her around, leaving kisses on her neck,

Emma slapped his arm, and he smirked against her skin. They hadn't had sex while being together, but Ethan was getting very brave around her. You could tell he wanted to, but he respected his girlfriend, and left it until she wanted to.

"I've got to get dressed" she giggled, pushing his heavy body slightly.
"Go for it" he laughed, sucking down on her skin still, and gripping her waist tighter.
"Ethan" Emma said, sternly, and he pulled away from her neck.
"Emmaaa" he begged, and and she shook her head.
"Not yet, E" she told him, kissing his lips, and walking out from his arms to the bathroom.

Ethan frowned, and got himself dressed quickly, before jumping back on his bed and waited for Emma. The bathroom door swung open, revealing his girlfriend now fully dressed.

She grabbed her makeup bag and hairbrush from Ethan's bedside table, and walked back to the bathroom, leaving the door open. He stood up, rushing into the bathroom, while Emma started applying concealer. He wrapped his arms around her waist again, and rested his head on the top of hers.

Her hair was down, just as Ethan liked, with a white scrunchie hanging on her wrist, which matched the hoodie.
"I told you, you don't need that stuff" he whispered, his eyes following her movements through the mirror.
"I want it on, and it's only a little" she reassured, blending it in, before adding subtle highlight and mascara.

Once she was done, they both went downstairs, and were met with Grayson and Ellie in the kitchen. Emma was pulling him over to the cupboards for them to make breakfast together, and he followed, tiredly.

"Hey, you two" His twin said, curiously, looking over to Ellie with a smirk. She had told Grayson about the incident at school, and the rest of their group knew, because it was all everyone was talking about.
"Morning Gray" Emma sang happily, pulling out the ingredients for pancakes, "you want syrup, e?"

He nodded, with a soft smile, as she tried to get it from the top shelf. Ethan reached up taking it down for her, and she dropped her arm with a pout.
"Here you go, baby" he handed it to her, and pecked her forehead, bringing a giggle to her lips.
"Thank you" She smiled, "go sit, it'll be a couple minutes"

Ethan took a seat next to his brother on the kitchen island, and looking confused at their grinning faces.
"What?" He laughed nervously, looking between them.
"What happened yesterday, bro?" Grayson smirked, putting his food into his mouth.
"Oh yeah, me and em are back together" he shrugged, playfully, and Grayson held back a scream.
"You're back together!" Ellie shrieked, running over to Emma, who was blushing very hard. Emma mumbled in conformation and grinned at her, the redness in her cheeks draining out.
"And what is this!" She squealed, looking at her ring.
"Ethan gave it me" Emma laughed, flipping the pancakes, "I'll tell you later"

Grayson gave his brother a knowing look, and hit his back, proudly.
"Eth, foods ready" she called, drizzling the syrup over his pancakes.
"Thank you pretty" He smiled, kissing her cheek quickly, "love you"
"Love you too idiot" she laughed, sitting down next to him, and letting his hand rest on her thigh.

They had finally finished their food, and were now all getting into the car together.
"Em, you want me to stop at philz?" He asked, knowing her answer, and she nodded, eagerly. He handed her the aux cord, and she played their playlist, despite Grayson and Ellie's complains.

Ethan pulled up at the coffee shop, and they all walked in together. He decided to order, because it was only Emma that wanted coffee.
"Can I have an iced almond milk latte please?" He asked the barista, politely, holding Emma's hand. She found it cute that he knew her order off by heart, and blushed at his action.

Ethan payed without discussion, which Emma wasn't best pleased about, and they left to go to school. They walked back to the car hand in hand, Ellie and Grayson not far behind, and drove to school.

"Okay, we cant wait anymore" Grayson sighed as they sat in the car. The couple whipped their heads around to face the two others, who were looking at them desperately, and waiting for both Ethan and Emma to tell them what happened yesterday.

Ethan sighed, and looked to Emma, who shrugged, and gave him a look that said she would tell them.
"Okay, so Meredith bullshitted, saying that Ethan has been cheating on me with her throughout our whole relationship, and the reason he wasn't with me one morning, was because he was with her" She started, nodding at her boyfriend to continue.
"Yeah, So Emma was really mad at me, and we had an argument in the halls which everyone saw, I took her home, and remembered the promise ring that Gray and Aaron helped me buy-"
"Thanks G" Emma giggled, interrupting Ethan, and she took over.
"He gave me a very cute speech about why he loves me, and about our future, then asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes, and now we're all good. You happy now?" She rushed out, and Ellie let out another squeal.
"Drama queens" Ethan sighed, sarcastically, rolling his eyes and turning the car back on.


1061 words


Started my period btw :(

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