Waking up

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Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic and a fanfic that has been in my head for years though the plot has changed dramatically. I hope everyone enjoys. The cover and all pictures have been drawn by myself. I'm open to any advice anyone has to offer. With that being said, please enjoy, comment and vote.

Something to note, kits typically have blue eyes until two moons. I decided to add this to my story and it plays an important part in a kit's life.
Word count: 1003

Jaykit jerked awake, his jaws wide open as he panted, his heart racing as the fox attack ran through his head. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to concentrate on quieting his heart. Mouth dry, he finally opened his eyes and was surprised when shapes and colour came into focus. He tilted his head, eyes narrowing in confusion. Hesitantly getting to his paws, he spun in a slow circle, taking in the wood den. He noticed an exit and scrambled from the moss bed, ignoring the two scents intertwined with his.

He halted as the sun pierced his eyes and had to blink a few times before opening them properly. Outside the den, made of a hollow tree stump, two queens shared tongues as they watched three kits with half opened eyes.

One of the queens noticed him and called happily, "come join us, Jay's Wing!" The other queen brightened as she too spotted him, her blue eyes warm and full of pride.

Jaykit ducked his head, "I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong kit. Where is Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw?"

The blue-eyed Queen gave him a curious look. "What are you talking about, Jay's Wing?"

"Don't worry too much about it, Falcon Swoop. Cloudless Sky sometimes has . . .unique dreams. He once dreamed of yellow badgers," the other queen purred, amusement dancing in her eyes. She flicked her tail, encouraging Jaykit to join them. "Come join us," she repeated.

Jaykit cautiously came closer to the queens, ready to flee if needed. The queen, Falcon Swoop drew him close with a single paw, the paw much bigger than Squirrelflight's. He realized with a start he was much smaller than Falcon Swoop, smaller than an almost six moons old kit should be. He looked up at Falcon Swoop and asked, "how old am I?"

She nudged his head with hers. "Just over a moon. Don't worry, you'll grow before you know it," she reassured him. "Why don't you join the other kits? Rising Moon and I will be here if you need us. And remember to stay close." She tucked away her paw, giving him the option to stay or go. She returned to her conversation with Rising Moon.

Jaykit stayed where he was, profoundly confused. His name was Jaykit and his parents were Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw yet both queens called him Jay's Wing and Falcon Swoop's scent was all over him like the way the nursery scent was tied to him and his littermates. He sniffed his haunches, catching up the scents of another cat, a she-cat. Sitting up, he glanced over to where the kits tussled. They all looked similar except two were slightly smaller than the pale grey she-kit who acted like the leader of their little group.

Jaykit soon got distracted by all the colours and sounds of the forest. When blind, the forest sounds were sharper as were scents but now with sight, it baffled him how they connected together. Leaves crashed together, the green overlapping and rustling. His ears stretched high, he tried to capture every sound and watch every second of it. In his dreams, sight and sound didn't distract him like this, he processed it differently and right now all he wanted to do was watch.

He shook his head, scowling at himself. He was almost an apprentice and yet he was acting like a kit who had never set foot outside the nursery.  He squeaked when Falcon Swoop's tongue rasped over his back. Shaking his pelt, Jaykit padded away, heading towards the group of kits.

"Hello," he mewed cautiously.

The pale grey she-kit jumped to her paws at the sound of his voice, making little chirping noises similar to a birdsong. "You're awake! Finally! Falcon Swoop was getting worried. So was I of course." She rolled her eyes, relieved and excited. She circled around him, brushing against him and addressed the younger kits, "now that Jay's Wing is awake, we can play a proper game!"

The two younger kits mewed their joy, crashing into each other in their excitement.

"What game are we playing?" asked the she-kit, her blue eyes wide and bright.

"Battle Side!" The pale grey she-cat announced proudly. She brought over two feathers to the group, one black and one brown. "Here's how it works. We work in pairs, littermates with littermates. Each feather is place opposite of each other, near the tree roots. That stick-" she pouted with her muzzle at a large fallen branch, "-marks the middle line. The goal is to take the other littermates feather and bring it to our mothers. The first one there wins! But also try to defend your feather. Did you get that?" She asked anxiously as the two kits looked at her with puzzled eyes.

"I get it," Jaykit mewed, trying to help. She gave him a grateful blink.

"Do you want to pair with Cloudless Sky, then?" She suggested. "Cloudless Sky, is that okay with you?"

The grey and white tom glanced at his sister, mother and then at the feather. "It's okay with me." Joining at Jaykit's side, he looked up expectedly at the older tom, paws restless and eyes shining.

"Sounds great," Jaykit muttered. Cloudless Sky's eyes dimmed in brightness as he heard Jaykit's words but tried to hid it. Pelt hot, Jaykit tried to ignore the younger tom's hurt expression, shaking his head and growling playfully at his littermate, "good luck losing."

She snorted, "ditto, brother." She turned to her playmate. "Want to do the honours of carrying the feather? You can pick first," she offered.

The white kit glanced at the feathers, finally picking the black one. Jaykit let Cloudless Sky take the other feather, turning for follow him. He stopped when he and the white she-kit locked eyes. She gazed at him curiously, a question in her blue eyes.

"Hey Half Moon! Hurry up!" called Jaykit's littermate.

Jaykit watched as Half Moon bounded away before turning to his own playmate.

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