Chapter 2: Let Me Elaborate On That For You

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        First off, let me explain everything so you understand how this all works and that you don't get confused. I am Lena. I am a member of a unique order called "The Grimm Sisters. " The Grimm Sisters are an order that maintains and protects all happy endings throughout all the different story universes. All members of the order come from your world. Earth. A world where things like fairytales and what-not are just stories. News flash! None of them are just stories. They are so much more than that.

      Every "fandom" as fangirls call them has its own universe. Musicals have their own world with separate realms. Fairytales are in the Enchanted Forest. Comics are in their own world. TV shows have their own world. Same deal with movies, video games, and books. All separate worlds. Disney even has their own world. Its true. I have been there before when the Academy of the Grimms (training school for future Grimm Sisters) had us go there for a field trip. Its kinda weird to go there. When you go there you end up looking like an animation. 

     So our kinda are all called "Grimms". Yeah kinda like the tv show,  but very different. Some Grimms have the ability to see auras in people and sometimes see what they look like on the inside. These Grimms are called Thorai. Each team is assigned one of those Grimms. Its also a requirement that all members have magical abilities, due to the fact that our ancestors who came before us passed down their gifts and their places in the order to us.

        Every member of the order resembles a character from a story that comes from any fandom. And we are descendants of the first versions of these characters.  With every generation the role is passed down to us through a ceremony that is performed by the Superiors (council of the order) upon birth of the new generation.  And when we reach the age of 14 we attend the Academy of the Grimms. And when we turn 18 we all take our tests that help assign us to our team. Team leader tests require two separate tests and for a normal member they only take one. The first test for being team leader requires that we travel to one world with two other members to test how well we work as a leader. I was sent to the Avengers story for my leadership test. And for my solo test I went to the Phantom of the Opera musical. Basically the Superiors set up obstacles that are meant to set the story off track and we need to correct these mistakes. Once the story is over we are assigned to a team. My team is the top team in the order. The Ever Afters.

            And its also cool that all the members of my team resemble and were tested with some of the most famous stories ever made. And we were even best friends at the Academy.


          Gia Callwell resembles the Wicked Witch. Her skin isn't always green, but it is when we are in full out magical worlds. She was raised by a Fray and never knew her true parentage.  She is amazing at casting spells and she can always tell when something bad will happen. That makes her the team magic expert and our personal voice of reason.


        Azrael Garcia resembles Esmeralda. We call her Az. Azrael can manipulate the mind and create illusions, which is very helpful to the team and is great for getting out of difficult situations. Azrael is also a proud Puerto Rican woman. And she can dance like nobody's business.

           Carina Hayes resembles Snow White. We call her Snow.  She has enhanced instincts and excellent reaction time. Not to mention she has the ability to turn into a snowy owl. She is also really good with a bow and arrow.

          Cerina Hayes resembles Little Red Riding Hood. She is also Carina's twin sister. And we just call her Red. She can communicate with animals and is a great tracker. And like her sister she can shape-shift, but into a giant bear-size wolf. Her enhanced senses help her track down our enemies or target.

           Amara Richards resembles Belle. We call her Mara. Amara is the team Thorai. Meaning she can read auras and see what they look like on the inside. Amara also is a huge brainiac who loves books. Go figure. She does the team research and analyzes data and other things scientific. This always helps us know what we are up against. And she is a master hacker too.

          And then there is me, Lena Cordelia-Lorne Evers. And I resemble Christine Daae. I am the team leader of the Ever Afters. I can control the elements and use them whenever needed. I can also sing and play instruments very well. And another useful ability I have is called "Copy-Catting." That allows me to copy the voices of others. So I do kick-ass impressions!

      We were put together for a very special reason as well. We all tell an age old story. Beauty and the Beast. Of course we are different from the characters we resemble, mainly me. All of us have beauty inside and out. And our stories are all about acceptance and love. Another cool similarity we have is that we all have musicals and movies that our characters come from. We just have a very rare connection that is only formed through the order. Every team is built upon the foundation of sisterhood and acceptance.

        And now the final subject that you all should be enlightened on. Why do we protect happy endings? We do that because of the Frays. The are like us, but they resemble villains. Their ultimate goal is to eliminate all happy endings and make certain that the villians win. And they will stop at nothing to do so. And if they succeed......all stories will cease to exist. The world would be lifeless without its stories.

        Thankfully, the Ever Afters are the main defense against the Frays. And we have succeeded for generations throughout our families. We have done our job dutifully and bravely. We always fight for the greater good.

       Little did we know that the tides were about to change. Drastically. And not in our favor in the least.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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