short story

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Ally sat under the dull lighting of the empty library, reading the end of her mystery novel, as the killer was revealed to be the English teacher. She nervously chuckled; remembering that her English teacher Miss Walters, had left to make copies of the our next test; leaving Ally alone for what seemed like 2 hours. After about an 1 hour after that, and the ending of her book, Ally left the library in search for Miss Walters. Ally wandered into the teachers lounge; darkness had taken the room, as well as a fecal sewer smell. Ally reached her hand out for the light switch, brushing her hand against the wall, feeling something wet, cold and thick sending a shiver down her spine. After finding the light switch and flicking it on and off a couple times to find all the lights were out. Ally reached into her back pocket and removes her iPhone flicking on the flashlight. The light caught her left hand revealing a revolting sight. Blood. She let out a silent cry, trying not to freak out. She moved her light showing her the room. Blood was splattered on the walls, the lights above shattered. Lying on the floor, was a large heap. Ally walked towards it; her eyes widened, her pupils dilating, and her mouth forming into a scream. She was cut off with the slamming of the door and a click of a lock. Now she was stuck, all alone, with a killer roaming the halls, and a headless dead body laying at the end of her feet.

With the lights off and only a flashlight to help her find her way around the room, hoping for another way out. Ally is careful as to not disturb any evidence, she finds herself at a desk, with a very comfy looking chair. Ally pulls the chair out and lets out a terrified shriek. On the chair lies the head of the headless body. The eyes are open wide filled with fear, they are glossed over staring at her. Ally quickly scans the desk, and there in the middle is one piece of paper. Ally picks it up and starts to read,

You interrupted this killing, so you are next, are you ready!” signed the killer.

Oh god, Ally thought. She couldn't believe that all this was happening to her. The room is so silent that the sound of a pen dropping would be like a scream. The lock of the door unlocks, Ally waits afraid, that the killer was finally through terrifying her and was ready to kill her now. She wasn't ready, she had so many things that she hadn't done yet, she would never get to marry the love of her life, or have kids. She wasn't expecting her English teacher Miss Walters to walk in. There she was standing opposite of her favorite teacher ever that was covered in blood. “Ally, what are you doing locked in here?” Miss Walters asked Ally.

Ally gulps, and now that the light from the hallway is lighting up the room, Ally notices that there is more that one large heap, which means there is more than one dead body. Ally runs out the door, “Where do you think you are going?” Miss Walters screams while chasing after her. Ally sees the door it is about 100 feet away, she sprints toward's it and tries to yank it open. The door didn't even budge. Ally turned around and no one was in the hallway, Miss Walters was no longer asking me where I was going and bothering me, she didn't know whether to be relieved or scared. She didn't want to think about the fact that Miss Walters could be the killer. The lights in the hallway start to flicker on and off, after a couple of minutes they turn off completely. Ally looks at her phone and realizes that its about to die and she needs to get out of here, before she gets murdered.

Ally tried pulling at the doors, but they still didn't budge. She ended up falling to the floor and crying. “Why, why is this happening to me!” Ally screams into the still dark hallways of the school. The sound of the air conditioning turning on can be heard, and that is when it starts raining. Ally clicks on her phone and it flickers on then dies completely, but not before she could see that there was blood falling from the ceiling. 

Ally screams an ear shattering scream, and that is when she is interrupted by an evil, cynical laugh. Looking down the long hallway, Ally can barely make out a face. The face of a clown, that has blood dripping from its mouth. Ally started banging on the door, trying to get out, the clown was getting closer and closer. He got so close that she started screaming as loud as she could, and that is when the stupid clown started laughing like a maniac and opens the door behind her. Ally looks at the clown and then runs into the woods that are surrounding her school, that was a mistake. She started getting paranoid. Every snap of a branch under her feet, spooked her, every animal that runs across the path that's in front of her, makes her jump. Ally hears a bang about 200 feet in front of her, she turns on her flash light and slowly walks forward, what she sees makes her fall to her knees. There in front of her is the same clown and her parents. How the clown got there before her, she didnt know. Her parents were tied together and on fire. She closes her eyes tightly hoping, praying that this is all a nightmare, and that she is going to wak up any second. She opens her eyes and pinches her self and nothing happens. The clown is watching, laughing. Then slowly it takes off that ridiclious mask... "You!"  That is when everything goes black. 

Authors Note:

Its not the best, but i tried my best and i wanted to see what you guys think about it! So please leave comments telling me what you like about it and how i can make it better! This was my first time EVER trying to write a scary story! Okay so please be nice!

Thank you for reading it!

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