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                   (No One Home)            

Journal Entry 1                                                                                                                   September 13, 2012

     First off, I live with four people. No, not my family, my friends. Yes quite awesome huh? They are Shekinah, Nicole, Gayle, Absydy, and of course me, Erika. All our parents are in London. You see, we grew up there but went to the United States because of highschool (and partying but our parents don't know that. Shekinah's idea, okay?)

     Absydy will become a chef. Gayle's ambition is having her own clothing company. Nicole as a doctor, Shekinah as a lawyer, and I dream of becoming a marine biologist. Gayle has red hair, green eyes, freckles, not that tan too. Height is like 5'5. Absydy with brown hair, brown eyes, peachy skin and shorter than Gayle. Nicole- Sorry, I'm starting to describe too much, I feel like you should know how they look, of course. Nicole with long black hair which goes for about 4 inches below her shoulders. Black eyes and white, taller than Gayle too. 5'5 1/2. 

     I can't really describe myself, but I'll try. Black hair, but if it hits some light it turns brown, its wavy too and I have bangs. Light brown eyes and light toned. Tallest out of all five. So, maybe 5'6? Shekinah has black hair with pink highlights, has the same skin of Gayle, also, tall as Gayle. 

      All five of us are close. We grew up for a straight 7 years. Let me tell you about myself. I'm 15 years old and so is Gayle. Absydy has the same age as Nicole which is 16. Shekinah is 17 years old, the eldest, obviously. Anyway, I have a deep passion for music, I enjoy other people's company but too shy to start a conversation with a new person I've never met before. I think too much and afraid to tell anyone what I think, it's very unhealthy. I can be quiet and awkward. Oh, and I hate the sun. I am also abnormal. Well, to you probably and everybody else. I have powers and such.

      Mom trusts me living  "alone" because of it, to protect myself and my friends secretly. But we've got a maid and butler and a chaufer for that. But they can't do what I can do. They don't know though. So dear reader, if you happen to find this journal, this is a secret between me and you. Maybe you should also know we threw a party this September night. 


      GAYLE'S P.O.V.

       OH MY GOSH! Someone fucking vomited on my new carpet! Crap! How am I gonna take that off!? God! As you all know, My name is Gayle and I hate highschool parties. You may be wondering, 'Oh! If she hates parties, then why'd she throw one?!' Well first of all, I live with 5 girls, (No I'm not lesbian or bisexual, these girls are my bestest friends) It's all Shekinah's fault! She's a party animal freak. Not me. NOT ME! I am the smart, zombie obsessed, clean, redheaded freak! I am also a great planner, but not always, usually it turns out wrong... *CRASH* Oh great. What the hell is it now?!



         Gayle is going to kill me! HELP ME! Anyone?! *Ahem* Well out of five girls living together, I'm the happy, wierd, party girl. I love to party all night and sleep all day. But when I have projects or exams for school, I'm always at the library (suprisingly) reading all my books to earn good grades. But then after all of it, I go party! Some people say that I'm quiet, shy, and would like to be alone, but all of them are wrong! The real Shekinah is loud. If anyone wants to live out large, they should come with me. 


     ABSYDY'S P.O.V. 

           The party made me act so crazy. I really can't believe that we hosted a wild party in our house. When I woke up I really felt dizzy. I panicked when people went upstair and went in rooms without any permission. Out of all five of us, I am the noisy and panicky one. I'm a kind of person that can't shut her mouth when it comes to jokes but I'm quiet when something is serious. I cook for the group sometimes because it's one of my hobbies. I'm sure that Nicole will have high blood pressure when she wakes up and sees this mess. 


     NICOLE'S P.O.V.

            As you can see, we had a major loud party last night. My friends and I got knocked out. I'm sure there'll be a large mess piled up into one hole, and that hole is our house. (Sarcasm obviously. But you have to face reality, I'm already expecting garbage everywhere.) *Sigh* I don't know. It's just that, now that we're independent, we should just learn how to fucking clean our mess! OH and yes I am also the weird one. We are all weird, its just mine is too extreme. We have our own uniqueness and I believe in that... As soon as we woke up, everything we knew had changed. 'Expect the unexpected' they say. But we all didn't follow. Everything we knew and our lives turned upside down. Heck of a story. 


Hello. This is one of the authors here :) If you didn't get this chapter I will explain it, hehe c:

Erika is writing in a journal, the P.O.V.'s of the rest of the characters are also writing in a journal but idk really, hehe xP all of us didnt agree yet on what are they writing in, or maybe they are just thinking it in their heads. But just stick to the journal thing for now xD man this is embarrassing, thanks for reading? :D pls vote and fan us :D we would appreciate it ^~^

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