Chapter 2

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Amber ran home quickly and saw that her parents and begun to pack away the house. "Mom! Mom! Where are we going?!", she fearfully said looking at the movers getting everything out. Her mom grabbed her close and held her tightly, almost sobbing in relief. "Cronus is what is happening, dear. We need to get as far away from him and this place as possible.", her mother said, which she simply nodded and gathered her things from inside. Grabbing a duffel bag from the hall closet, she rushed to her room and packed her essentials. 14 rolls of shirts of varying styles, 5 jeans, 5 shorts, 3 skirts of different lengths, a couple of rompers and a couple of nice dresses. She grabbed a pair of flats, sneakers and heels, along with her grandmother's jewelry box. And then a final photo that she always kept in her room, it was of her and her grandmother on their last day together before she passed.

The memories flooded her senses but she quickly got back to her senses just as noises from outside were starting. She peeked out the window and saw the man from earlier outside with giants. He had round up the workers and her parents but they had delayed them to look down the street. She knew what she had to do, even though it broke her inside. She ran to the back door and into the backyard before going into the forest.

As she ran, she heard her parents call her name, which made her vision blurry with tears but she couldn't stop moving. They couldn't stay with her in this, this was her own life and destiny and they were gonna die if they interfered in it. She finally got to the street on the other side and raced to the school. It was the one place she knew to be safe from him, whoever he was. She pounded on the doors and an elderly janitor opened the door. "Hello child, shouldn't you be home?", he asked but she replied with a shake of her head as tears fell finally.

He quickly guided her in and locked the door before calling up someone and leading her to the janitor's closet. She knew what to do and unlocked before rushing into the portal. The man followed her soon after and held her close, comforting her as Hera, the woman she met earlier, came in. "What happened? Did he find her?!", Hera asked frantically as she raised Amber's face to check for bruising and marks. The elder man nodded and walked into a room where a teacher from her school came in.

"You want me to teleport her to Brownstone?! Athena isn't going to be happy about this.", Mr. Léxi spitted out in rapid pace. The elder glared at him before getting Amber and leading her to the door of where they came out of. "She needs to be where Cronus can't find her. Here, the school and Brownstone are her best bets.", he said sternly.

"And my parents, what of them? Are they still alive?", Amber weeped as she was hurried into the room. Hera looked at the older gentleman and then back at her before shaking her head. Amber wailed at the news, cause the gods around her fall to the ground and do the same. She couldn't stop wailing until a young woman came racing in and muffled her with a hug. "Its okay, it's okay, they are with us still. It's okay.", the woman sympathetically cried as she rocked sweet amber into quiet sobs. The others got up and looked at the two before Mr. Léxi spoke up.

"She's as powerful as Orpheus. Perhaps more.", he said softly.


Cronus yelled and smashed several things against the walls of the lair. His anger was boiling over and the destruction of things barely calmed him down. "AGNON HOW COULD YOU LET THAT CHILD SLIP THROUGH YOUR HANDS?!", he screamed as another plate hit the wall. The giant whimpered at his master's rage before groveling on the floor to him. "This child, gods, I don't even know her name! They have the potential to destroy the gods themselves with just musical talent, imagine what they could do under my teachings. Cities crumbling, the ocean obeying their commands all while the play the lyre!", Cronus proclaimed while walking over to the city model. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of cloth. It was a sliver of a shirt that Amber had worn that day, it must have torn while she was running.

Cronus spoke a few words of the piece and watched as it went around the city before finally settling on an empty lot. "That's not right, perhaps I used the wrong spell. Wait... no I didn't.", he realized as he utter more words and a building finally appeared. He let out a bellowing laugh as he realized where the gods had been hiding the Titans all this time. It was very clever of them to do so with a warding spell but he could easily break that no problem, the problem now was to get into the house without Athena or the others raising the alarm.

Suddenly, Cronus snapped his fingers and transformed into a young boy. He could trick them into thinking he was a new student in their housing district and decided to be proactive. It wasn't that odd of a thing, right?

He smiled in his new form and snapped open a portal about a block away from the housing district. When he walked through he saw the same young girl from earlier that day. 'How peculiar, she doesn't seem like the descendant of Orpheus, then again neither does that afro kid of Odysseys.', he thought as he watched them go up into the building.

But before he was about to walk that way, he felt a hand spin him around and Athena was there, holding a knife to his throat. "Who are you?! What are you doing here?!", she exclaimed, pressing the knife down on his throat. He had to stay in character but a name he forgot to make! "Dirk, my name is Dirk!", he said, faking the fear quiet well. Athena seemed to buy it and took the knife away from his throat. "Well then Dirk what are you doing here?", she asked with a glare at him.

"I was walking this way when I saw that there were other students here, I wanted to be proactive and say hi to them.", Cronus said in hopes she bought it.

"Pretty far from the normal dorms, what, did your family buy you a lot around here?"

"Yes actually, they are kinda up tight about stuff and wanted me to live alone.", he said, kicking the ground. Athena looked at the kid with some pity, she knew what it was like to be separated from everyone and only see from the inside. She grabbed the bags of groceries she put down and handed him one of them. "Well, you can come by anytime, so long as you help me out with the groceries.", Athena said, giving Cronus a warm smile and him smiling back but for different reasons.


Once the pair got inside, Cronus helped put the groceries away before Athena called everyone down. "I think these kids will be a good influence for you. Plus, we recently got a new girl named Amber. Very sweet girl, but it is so tragic what happened to her family.", Athena gossiped, piquing Cronus' interest. He remembered the family that the decendent was suppose to be from. He had turned them into sparrows and.... oh boy. Well it was gonna be a lot harder than he thought to earn Amber's trust as himself.

The Titans soon filed in and he saw them all staring at him, which made him fidgety. He hated when mortals stared at him with such pity, it made him seem less than. "Where's Amber? I called for all of you."

"Oh I can go get here.", the speeder said as she ran up the stairs.

"What's all this about, Athena?"

She pushed Cronus forward and smiled widely. "Well, everyone, I want you to meet Dirk. He moved in not to far away and offered to help me on Grocery days. Which is good because I am tired of getting into fights with the cashiers there.", she said, getting out some pots and pans for dinner.

Everyone came up and greeted him, including Jay, who suprised him by giving him what he assumed to be a hug. "Its nice to have someone else around here. We don't tend to get out much.", Jay spoke rather jokingly. Cronus nodded and then heard a small voice coming from the door way. "Athena, whose he?"

When he turned, he saw ancient beauty, something like no other women had these days. Her black hair was like midnight, her eyes like the morning, and her voice was like that of midday. "He is Dirk and..", Athena trailed off as she noticed how stunned Cronus was before chuckling a bit.

Class of Titans: Decendent of OrpheusWhere stories live. Discover now