Timelord *A Star Trek/Doctor Who fanfic*

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*****Officer Althea Smith*****

Sulu opens the contact transmission and a robotic pepper shaker of sorts appears on screen. "Daleks!" Says the Doctor before I could utter a word. "Doctor, it is the Doctor! He is the sworn enemy of the Daleks." The Daleks on screen screeches and in the background an alarm is sounding. Kirk turns to the Doctor. "You knows of these things? Another expedition ship found them frozen on some undiscovered planet about a week ago." The Look on the Doctors face turns from surprise into a look of suppressed anger. "Please tell me that they left them in the ice..." I myself was angry about this, considering I did not know of this occurrence. "No, they melted the ice and then left the things to stay there. Are they dangerous?" The Doctor was red in the face, his hands fumbling with his bow tie, an obvious sign of his suppressed anger. "Dangerous? Those are the most dangerous creatures in the universe, besides you lot. They kill for the fun of it, they use your loved ones as slaves and they can kill without guilt. And they are only scared of one thing.." The Doctor turns to the screen, his eyes, flashing and his hair all over the place. "...me." He pulls out his sonic and points it at the screen. It buzzes for half a second and the screen goes blank. "Althea, come along. We have to go and speak with those stupid, stupid humans." He muttered some things and walked out the door onto the lift. I look over at Kirk, who nods. "Please take Spock and Uhara with you." I nod and follow the Doctor out the door. We run to the TARDIS on the third deck, with Uhura and Spock right behind us. "Doctor, how are we gonna talk with them if you don't even know when or where they did it." I ask as soon as we make it into the console room of the TARDIS.

Before he could respond, Spock spoke up. "I do. It was 2 years ago on the planet storax, in the icetone nebula." The doctor looks at him for a moment, but then types a few things on his keyboard, then flips a switch." The TARDIS shakes and makes its signature wheezing sound, just before landing seconds later.

*****The Doctor*****

We land on Storax, and I turn the screen on the console dash towards us. Outside, old sexy was picking up multiple life forms. They where human, no sign of any daleks. Or not yet at lest. Let's go, it should be safe for now. I storm out of my box, still quite mad at those stupid humans, always messing things up. For once can't they do something and not mess up, not need help solving their own stupid mistakes. I can hear Althea's friends whispering behind me I was towards the visible base just a few yards away. "Hey you, you can't come here you don't have the clearance!" Yells a new voice. I stop and pull out my sonic paper, and am about to show the man, when Al puts a hand on my arm, shakes her head and lifts up her own ID. "I'm commander Smith, I have level 10 clearence, these three are Commander Spock, Leutennint Uhura and a friend the Doctor. We need to know about your work with the frozen life forms."

The man looks. Somewhat distraught. "One f the life forms killed one of our men and then they left, taking all out computers."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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