Chapter 1

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~ Year 2010 ~

I nervously tugged on my braid that had fallen over my right shoulder. Wait, why was I nervous? All that was happening was that I was meeting my older brothers new band for the first time. No biggie, right? As the clock struck 10.30 in the morning – which was the expected time that he would arrive with his new friends, I sat up in my seat and pushed my hair back behind my ear. Not even a minute later the front door opened.

“Hello?” An all too familiar voice called out

With a smile as wide as the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, I jumped up and ran towards the front door.

“LIAM!” I shouted catapulting myself onto him

“MEREDITH!”He shouted back holding onto me and swinging me around in a circle

“I missed you Li” I said, my voice muffled by the sleeve of his shirt

“I missed you too Mere” I smiled as he used my nickname

“The past 3 weeks would’ve been the longest of my life” I said, emphasising the word life, as I hopped off him

“Oh stop being silly Mere” Liam said ruffling my hair “Here, I’d like you to meet my new band mates!” Meredith, One Direction, One Direction, Meredith!”

“Nice to meet you One Direction” I chuckled

A boy with the similar swept hairstyle as Liam’s stepped forward first and pulled me into a tight hug

“Hi love, I’m Louis, Louis ‘The Tommo’ Tomlinson” He said loudly

“Hello Louis” I laughed, this guy was very confident, I liked him

“I’m Niall Horan” The blonde one said stepping forward and giving me a hug. He was slightly shorter than the other boys, only about an inch taller than me and he also had a beautiful Irish accent.

“Hiya Niall” I replied, just being around this lad made you feel like smiling

“I’m Zayn Malik” The dark haired boy said stepping forward and giving me a light hug. He seemed like a really laid back ‘I’m cool bro’ kind of guy, but seemed nice all the same

“Hey Zayn” I smiled at him

“And I’m Harry Styles, hello beautiful” The youngest looking boy, now known to me as Harry, stepped forward kissing my hand. What a charmer.

“Hello Harry” I blushed

I looked up at him properly now. He had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. They made me want to melt, as cheesy as that sounded. The curls on top of his head looked so soft and bouncy and I just wanted to run my fingers through the gorgeous brown locks.

“Well it’s nice to meet you boys” I said dragging my thoughts away from the handsome boy, who was still holding my hand I might add.

“Yes, and she is off limit boys” Liam said glaring at Harry.

Harry quickly pulled his hand away from mine and it felt cold instantly without his touch.

I rolled my eyes laughing at Liam. Over protective brothers these days.

~ Present Time ~

I sighed looking at myself in the mirror. I miss the days when life was easy, well, easier than it is now. When I first met Harry, 2 years ago, he was just a 16 year old boy working at a Bakery and dreaming of making it big in the music industry. I was just a 16 year old girl dreaming of becoming a doctor with a semi famous older brother. I was innocent, naive and I had no clue that the next 2 years of my life would bring me the most difficult decisions.

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