Question 833

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Meggy: Okay. Pikachu, I have something for you!

Pikachu (male): (runs up to Meggy) Pika pika?

Meggy: (puts the suit on Pikachu)

Pikachu (male): Pika!

Mario: (walks in) HOLY SHIT, IT'S SPIDER-MAN!!!

Meggy: (giggles) It's okay, Mario. It's just Pikachu.

Pikachu (male): Pikachu!

Mario: Can he shoot webs?

Pikachu (male): (shoots a web by accident) Pika!

Meggy: Yes he can! (giggles)

Mario: Wow! That is so cool!

Pikachu (male): (starts swinging around the mansion while shooting webs) Pika pikaaaaa!

Meggy: Sounds like he's having a lot of fun. (smiles)

Mario: Aww... (smiles too)

Meggy: Also, thanks for the cookie! (eats the cookie)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 5 (Questions 726-915)Where stories live. Discover now