It is the first thriller book I ever read, never knew these were so interesting. I could say this book took me on a roller coaster, not quite a dangerous one but still breath taking.
Starting off with the writing style, it was quite unusual than other books. It had narration from different characters, hence getting to experience the same event from different characters' perspective. Also the timeline is pretty interesting as it is arranged like in a typical suspense book or a movie. Due to this timeline, it gives u a kind of thrill, like u will get nearer to the suspense being revealed then u will be pushed far away in the next page.
Story itself is quite dark with few twists in between and a big one at the end (obviously). Book begins with the protagonist, the girl on the train, a drunkard, whose life is miserable in all possible ways, who will gain your sympathy and you will be following and agreeing to all her suspicions. Her ex husband's new wife, will get all your hate, but not till the end. A new character whose missing story is the centre for all the characters, will be adored by u, will be criticized by u, will be sympathized by u and then again adored. There are other few characters whose role is quite intriguing, husbands of the protagonist and the missing character.
As the story ends, I realized how we make mistakes, while taking big to small decisions in life, which might lead us to the darkest tunnel with no way out. We will be ruining our lives, blaming ourselves for the things we have done or not, just because someone tells us so, just because someone tells us we are not worth it. But this book made me realise that it's ok to make mistakes, we all make it, it's no big deal but it's not ok to blame yourself for that.

The girl on the train
Mystery / ThrillerIt's a short review of this book I recently read and loved.😍