Chapter 1: Life is Boring

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Lucy P.O.V.
Thursday, December 30th

I'm in my bed. I know unexpected of me to be playing on my bed being unproductive but here I am. I sat up on my bed and the feeling of exhaustion came over me and I collapsed back onto it. Happy was watching me be lazy and I could hear him quietly say "Aye, sir" in a judgy voice. Plue, unlike Happy, looked very excited and jumped onto my bed. He'd grown considerably larger in the last 6 months. He was bigger than Happy now. That didn't stop them from playing around though.

I hadn't spoken with Natsu since he left. His calls weren't going through and he didn't make any moves to contact me either. Even though it's been a while since Natsu left, it's still strange. I still expect him to walk through that door like nothing happened. Sometimes, Happy stares at the door for a long time and I have to usher him away from that door.

It's almost the new year so Mira is probably going to call me about the New Years party soon. In the mood that I'm in right now, I don't feel like getting out of my bed. As if on cue, my phone vibrated and I picked up the call.

"LUCY, ARE YOU COMING?" Mira shouted.

She didn't bother to say hi and just jumped to her main point.

"Yeah. I'm coming." I told her. "I already came for the Christmas one. Might as well come for the New Years one too."

"Don't worry Lucy. Maybe Natsu will come back during the time you're staying at my house." Mira teased.

"I certainly hope so." I said quietly.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Nothing." I answered. "I'll be there at around 3"

"Sounds good to me." She exclaimed. "Bye."

Before I had the chance to say goodbye, she hung up. I laid back on my best before deciding to get up. We were having a sleepover at Mira's house like last time. This time we were coming a day earlier to get ourselves situated. I had already packed what I needed so I dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs.

I served Plue and Happy their breakfast and began to eat cereal. I didn't feel like cooking nor did I have the energy. I was on break from work so I felt restless. I finished and cleaned up before taking my place on the couch. Plue jumped on the couch and I shooed him off. I turned the TV on to pass time but I began to doze off. The doorbell rung and snapped me out of my trance.

I got up and made my way to the door. I unlocked it expecting to see Yukine and Sting trying to drag me out of the house. I was pleasantly surprised to find my aunt and uncle standing at the door looking displeased.

"Why didn't you answer any of our calls?" My aunt questioned.

"I just woke up." I told her.

"With this lazy attitude, how are you expected to inher-" My aunt began before I cut her off.

"It's the winter break. I don't have school and I dont have work. I'm just relaxing and getting my mind off things." I said, annoyed.

They had been calling me about the same issue over and over again. I was trying my best in school and it's not like I'm doing horribly. My grades are slightly above average and enough to get me into a good college.

"We got you a book about business and I expect it to be read over and an essay written by the end of winter break." My uncle told me in a commanding tone.

"Got it." I said.

"It may seem as if we don't care but we're just trying to set you on the right path." My aunt said softly.

"I know." I told her. "You're just trying to help."

She smiled.

"We can only drop by every once in a while. We've got someone to meet so we have to leave okay?" My aunt said.

"Yeah." I said softly.

I closed the door behind them and waved as they drove off. I turned around and looked at the book in disgust. I would probably have to take it with me to Mira's house. I picked it up and tossed it into my bag.

I got ready to go to Mira's. Happy and Plue were waiting patiently for me downstairs. I put Plue's collar and leash on and we headed outside. Happy was in my backpack. I left the zipper open so he could breathe. His tiny head was sticking out of that part. He seemed to be enjoying himself so I didn't have the heart to take him out of the bag.

I arrived a little early but it probably didn't matter much. I rang the doorbell and an excited Lisanna opened the door.

"Lucy!" Lisanna exclaimed as she hugged me.

She let go of me and ushered me in. Plue and Happy both took off to go find Carla. I followed Lisanna to their living room and Laxus was already there. Wendy was sitting on the couch and was talking to Romeo. Mira was disturbing Laxus and trying to get his attention.

"You came early." A voice which I recognized as Sting said behind me. "Here I thought you would still be moping around."

"I'm not moping around. I'm just bored at home with nothing to do." I corrected him.

"Natsu was that much of an entertainer that you miss him this much. I'm jealous of him. I wish someone missed me this much." Sting teased.

As if on cue, Yukino walked in.

"I'm back." Yukino said.

For your information, Yukino went on vacation with her family a few days ago and only just got back.

"Welcome back." Sting said warmly.

Yukino smiled.

This has been my whole journey without Natsu. These two have been dropping hints left and right about their lingering crushes since their breakup and it's so frustrating to watch.

I walked away from the two lovebirds and sat on the couch. I picked up a controller and joined the game. I was just going to distract myself with a game.

I don't have to think about anything else when I game. It's my addiction I guess.



Book 2. I had to take a little break but I'm back and ready to write. I'll try and update as soon as I can.

Sorry this chapter is so boring. I just wanted to show how Lucy is doing without Natsu.

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you in the next one.


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