The Sudden Change

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The battle that changed the lives of Raimon.Protocol Omega 2.0 vs Raimon. Beta as captain of Protocal Omega 2.0 and Tenma as captain of Raimon.

The match starts, Raimon's kickoff.
Raimon starts running towards their enemy's goal. Protocol Omega not moving an inch.

"Begin phase 1." a mysterious voice said. "Yes master." Beta answers.

Raimon easily breaks through their enemy's defence. Not even trying to protect it. Soon Raimon is now infront of Protocol Omega's goal. Shindou passes the ball to their captain, Tenma. Tenma accepts the pass. He turns to look at Tsurugi who stares at him and nods signaling him to make the goal.

Suddenly Tenma feels a wave of pain. He stops and holds his chest tightly. He feels the agony tearing him inside-out.

What is this? What was happening to him? He didn't know.

He bites his lip to prevent him from screaming. His body was burning, not knowing why. Tenma's teammates look at him in concern. What the hell is happening to their captain?! He looked fine a while ago but now......he looks terrible.

A few moments later, Tenma lets go of his chest and kicked the ball harshly.

"Goal! Raimon's captain scores a goal!

Raimon runs towards their captain with concerned faces. "Hey Tenma! You alright? What happened back there?" Shindou asked worriedly to his junior. Tenma had his back turned. Tsurugi puts his hand on his shoulder. "Tenma?" He says. Tsurugi notices a thin line of energy swirling around Tenma. Since he was the closest, he was the only one who noticed it. It looked familiar but somehow different.

'Keshin energy?' Tsurugi thought to himself.

Slowly Tenma turned around to face his team. They were all shocked to see their captain's eyes dull and lifeless. Tsurugi retreats his hand from Tenma's shoulder and takes a step backwards with wide eyes. "Tenma?" Tsurugi asked in fear. "Guys!" A familiar voice said. "What are you still doing there? Back to your positions!" The voice commanded. Yes the voice owned to Endou, Raimon's coach. For that they all went back to their positions. The match continues with their enemies having the ball. Protocol Omega finally, finally started moving. Beta having possesion of the ball when Tenma is suddenly infront of her and steals the ball.

Both teams are in shock, especially Raimon because they never knew that their captain was that fast.

Then Tenma runs towards Raimon's goal, hitting anyone who stands in his way. Even his own teammates!?

A few moments later Tenma is infront of Raimon's goal and Shinsuke as goalkeeper. Tenma glares at Shinsuke. His eyes gained a crazy look with a grin on his face. Shinsuke shivered in fear.

Tenma's grin widens if still possible and lets his keshin out. "Demon God Pegasus! Armed!" Tenma kicks the ball harshly while Shinsuke tried to protect the goal but failed miserably.

"Goal! 1-1! Its a tie and scoring an own goal?! What is happening with Raimon?!"

Shinsuke holds his stomach and with that Tenma walks away.

"Shinsuke!" Everyone shouts excluding Tenma. "You ok?" Kirino asks as helping Shinsuke gets up. "Y-yeah." Shinsuke faintly answers. "What the f#$k just happened to captain?! Kurama exclaims. "He just f$%king scored our own goal! Kurama says while pointing at the score board. "Fei, do you know?" Shindou asks. Fei shakes his head. "I dont know but I did feel a strange aura." Fei responds. "An aura?" Repeats Shinsuke. "What do you mean?" Asks Shindou. They all look at Tenma. Suddenly a strange energy was swirling around Tenma but this time all Raimon could see it. It was swirling dangerously around Tenma's body and with that a scream was ripped of his throat. He was clutching his head tightly and another scream was heard. Tears were escaping Tenma's eyes. Raimon including the coach and managers ran towards Tenma. As every second passed the energy that was surrounding Tenma became more intense and a scream of pain was getting louder and louder. Coach Endou approached Tenma but when he reached out for the brunet the energy that surrounds the boy attacked him causing the coach to be pushed back.

Tenma felt like his head was about explode from the pain. Raimon including the coach and managers were shouting his name which doesn't help. In fact it was making it worse. He didn't understand what was happening or why was this happening. What would have caused this? But those thoughts were pulled aside because of the agony he was feeling. A few moments later he feels unconsciousness finally,finally taking over his body. The energy surrounding him slowly fades away.

And with that he collapses to the ground.

Phase 1 complete

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