Chapter 7

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Previously on Corruption...

After a few moments, Endou falls asleep.

Then Kidou sighs. "Alright Aki, keep an eye on him while Gouenji and I help Raimon find some clues where Matsu- Tenma was taken." He corrects himself.

The woman nods. Then both men make their way to the door,
leaving a woman and a sleeping brunet behind.


Natsumi never ran like that in her life. Once Aki called and told her that Endou collapse, she immediately started sprinting towards Aki's Manor. When she got there, she slammed the door open and ran to where Aki and Endou were located.

(Poor door....)

"Endou!" She shouted at the top of her lungs to which Aki literally covered her ears for the sudden increase of volume. Luckily, the brunet didn't wake up because he hasn't slept for at least 24 hours. To make it short, he was too exhausted to even hear her wife's yelling.

Said wife quickly went by her husband's side with incredible speed,  to which the short-black-haired woman only saw a auburn blur.

(Wow a new member of the drama family. And awwww Natsumi is also a worrywart. Cute •w•)

Upon seeing Endou's condition made her heart drop. She kneels down and gently puts a hand on his cheek and starts crying. Aki approaches Natsumi and puts a hand on her shoulder for comfort. Said wife turns around to see the short-black-haired woman also crying silently. She stands up to face the other woman.

"W-what happened to him? I haven't even seen him since yesterday!" She says between sobs.

Aki sighs. Then she proceeds to explain what had happened earlier this morning.

After she finishes, the auburn-haired woman gasps and puts a hand over her mouth. The short-black-haired woman sheds a tear.
"Aki.....I'm sorry." She apologizes. That needles apology shocked Aki, but she didn't show it. "It's ok, it wasn't your fault." The short-blackhaired woman protests gently. Natsumi quietly walked towards her and hugged her.

Aki was suprised to say the least, but eventually returned the hug. They both cried silently.


A week later. It's already been a week since Tenma's kidnapping. They still haven't found anything that involved to where the brunet was taken. But they haven't given up yet.

Endou was already looking better. Well, better than last week. He'd been babysitted by Natsumi and Aki. Also they both scolded him for not taking care of himself. Gouenji and Kidou were the same, but they were also  scolded and being babysitted by their sisters.

However Raimon wasn't.

It's safe to say that all of the members of the Raimon soccer team - except for Shinsuke and Sangoku - looked like the living dead. They haven't been taking care of themselves because they were busy....doing other stuff.

The ones who didn't look like zombies knew that they were going to need their strength to save Tenma. Long story short, they had common sense.

The-not-infected members have been trying to get the-infected members to rest but they were too stubborn to do so.

Huh. That sounds a lot like Tenma. Like captain, like team I guess.

But that was the last straw.

There was only one solution left.

"Sangoku-senpai, I think we need to knock them out."

Said senpai turns to look at the first year with wide eyes

"Do you really think that it's already that bad that we need to knock them out?" He asks.

"Yes." Almost immediatly Shinsuke responds with no hesitation.

"Well alright....if you say so." The goalkeeper answers hesitantly. "Wonderbot." The said goalkeeper calls. "Yes?" He asks not looking up from what he was doing. "I need your help to knock out the others." When those words reached his ears, he immediatly stopped and looked at Shinsuke in shock.

But when he got a good look on the boy's face, he sighed.



Now, a certain trio are on a mission. And they were planning on accomplishing it.

What was this mission you ask? Well it was a mission to knock their teammates out and make them rest whether they liked it or not.

They slowly made it towards the other members and was able to knock them out.

Now there were only three members left. The ones who Tenma were trying to protect. To be specific, it was Fei, Tsurugi and Shindou. The three had been searching non-stop. And it was getting horrifying. Shindou had dark bags under his eyes. His hair was very messy. He was very pale. He Looked, with a capital L, like he was about to collapse. Same as Fei and Tsurugi.

Do you know the saying of 'the eyes are the window to your soul'?

Well that's what they're looking at now. And it was just heartbreaking. Their eyes showed these following emotions:

Guilt, shame, fear, regret, sorrow, anger, and hope.

Both of the keepers frown at this sight. They too were devastated when the young midfielder was kidnapped but the three clearly took it harder than the rest of them.

The suspects made it towards the victims quietly and swiftly knocked them out.

Then they carry the three towards the location to where all of the others are. Just about they were going to lay them down, the door opened to reveal Endou, Kidou and Gouenji. When they get a good look at the scene before them, Gouenji and Kidou take a step back while Endou just seems to stare blankly. Said brunet then spots the culprits who did this.

"What happened." He asks the culprits.

There was a moment of silence.

Then a "what the fuck."

Hmmm, that's probably Kidou. He seemed to have underestimated them. He was coach of Raimon for a little while but a whole new level.

"Well...we knocked them out-"

"Obviously." Retorts Wonderbot.

"-because they wouldn't take a break no matter what we did, so...." The junior and the senior gestures towards the bodies that are either laying down on the floor or on the couches.

Then another moment of silence

(Brought to you by a depressed Tsurugi, Shindou and Fei.)

Then another "oh my god Endou, what the actual fuck."

Lmao XD I so love this right now. Anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS TO Y'ALL!! This chapter is my gift to you! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

See y'all in the next chapter!

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