found the one

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It was a November afternoon in school when i saw him....!
He walked in the class in a red shirt with blue jeans, hair on the side, half-moon shaped eyes, with a science book in his hand... But i couldn't actually see him clearly as my eye sight were weak.
I asked my friend how he looked and she described me. He came in our to teach science it was his first day ever teaching in a school and i fell in love with him just right there without even looking at him or hearing his voice or even doing anything it just took 3 seconds.
At first i thought it was just a mere crush as i have a lot of crush swings. But as time passed i realised something was different about it.
On the second day he did not come in our class instead another teacher came.  I was sad because i couldn't see him the whole day. I thought "whatever, i guess i was Just going to see for a day... 🙄🙄!"
The day passed like it usually passes. i came home and suddenly his thought struck me that i didn't even ask his name shit...!  I got sad again but later shrugged it.

Part 2 will be continued tomorrow please read it.... 😊😊

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