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Or how my lovely freyachst call it, Louis burn.
Requested for her because well, Louis hit us all this summer 🥵
"Not gonna lie it's too fucking hot!" Louis sighs and took down half cold water bottle. "And now the a/c is broken". Harry fan himself with a paper fan and flopped on the couch. It was a hot day in mid-August and the heat did its thing. "Maybe we'll go to the beach? Cool off a little and get some sun" Harry offers out of the blue "yes fuck Harry you're a genius! We'll call the other boys as well it'll be perfect" Louis exclaimed and immediately text to their group that they'll meet in the beach in an hour or less. "Go on let's get going" he stood up and changed into swim pants and a black tank top, while Harry pulled a regular yellow shirt. "Pack some water and fruits yeah?" Louis asked "sure thing hun" Louis was really eager to go to that beach wasn't he? Harry loves to make his husband happy.

"Lads! We're here" Louis called, they spread a beach towel on the sand and placed their things there. Liam, Niall and Zayn headed to them "we brought a ball, wanna play some footie?" Niall offers with a huge grin "Im in, what teams?" Harry asked "Lilo again us three?" Niall said and them five agreed, Louis pulled off his shirt and highfived Liam, and they start playing. Because of the sand it was just kind of kicking the ball around and Lilo team managed to win anyway. "Let's do a break! We gotta drink water and I also wanna get into the water" Harry said defeated "you only say it cause were wining" Louis teased "might, but we really have to drink water" he gave each the big bottle to drink in his turn. "Smooth, now let's get into the water" now the rest of the boys took off their shirts as well, and ran into the water.

"Oh dear it's so nice" the water wasn't too hot not too cold and it was just perfect for the that weather "why beach then?" Liam asked after a little "our ac broke and Louis whined like a baby about the heat" Louis pinched him a little "was not, I even swore so not so baby for me huh?" They all four laughed "chill lad" they swam around. "Must say it's a genius idea, it was hella hot today" Niall chuckle "all thanks to haz" Louis admits.
"When we get out we're switching teams" and Louis laughed "Lilo is not a fair fight" Niall whined "can't lost in pride?" Liam teased "whatever, Larry again us?" Louis was the best player in them five and then Liam so yeah, Lilo isn't a fair fight.

"Louis mercy on them please" Harry said with a smile, he wasn't the best at football not at all, and yet they are in gain of them. "Fine fine, let's quite for a few, I'm getting tired" he flopped on the beach towel "o brought grapes if you'd like" they all sat together and munch on the fruits.
It was getting late and they've decided to head home as beach is indeed exhausting.

"Woah Lou-" Zayn exclaimed seeing his now red friend's shoulders "what? I have something on me?" He asked turning around, now the rest saw it too and laughed "honey you got burned" Harry said looking at his poor husband trying not to laugh anymore "oh fuck, we totally forgot the sunscreen" Niall said looking at his burned skin too "you're too pale lads" Zayn laughed "maybe better get a little tanned" this is gonna hurt a lot.

"Jesus Christ" Harry said looking at Louis, who just got out of the shower. His whole back and shoulders save were burned, his face and legs as well. "I know, I saw. Tried to pull on shirt but it's hurt as heck" he sat on the bed trying not to touch anything with his burning skin "sorry love, anyway I like you shirtless" Louis punch him jokingly "what? It's true" Harry went all innocent. "Nah don't be grumpy now, I'll put you a cool cloth on it to take the burning sensation off that's alright?" Harry offers gently not wanting to actually upset his husband "yes thank you you're so perfect" he smiled "once my mum told me to put yogurt on it, but I'm afraid we don't have any, so I'll run the shop tomorrow morning ok love?" Louis smiled faintly and nodded, Lying on his stomach on bed while Harry taking care of his sore back. "About your face there's not a lot we can do but let it go, it's not so hurt like the back isn't it?" Louis shook his head, he hadn't have sunburn for a long time now and he forgot how it feels like.
Well, at least Harry enjoys his shirtless husband for the day.
The sun aka Louis thank you for burning my skin 🌞🤦‍♀️

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