Blooming Disaster

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Blooms. A widespread phenomenon where feelings of love and attraction cause flowers to bud and bloom in elegant crowns out of a person's head. The more complex the crown the more complex the feeling. Couples prided themselves and their relationships with full crowns of Blooms full of deep meanings, and it was common to see many kinds of flowers on many kinds of people while travelling the town or the wider worlds.

But, sometimes, Blooms could be more of a hassle than a blessing. At least, that was Cloud's opinion. He sat in the kitchen of the Committee's house in Radiant Garden, watching Leon walk down the path for an early start on whatever project he was currently devoting himself to.

Like Cloud, Leon had no Blooms. His sable hair fell in tresses across his shoulders utterly bare of flowers. That was not too uncommon either- not everyone was in love all the time, and feelings came and went more inconsistently than Cloud himself.

But, whenever he did arrive, even if Cloud forgot to say hello; Leon always left a large mug of coffee for him when he came downstairs. Cloud pulled it closer and distantly heard the door snap closed, he then spotted the man through the window. Thank you, he thought, his early morning thoughts soft and sluggish as he inhaled the warm aroma of the coffee - Leon made coffee - and felt himself relax down to the bone.

Smells like home. I wonder how he does it? No one else can make it as good as he can.

Cloud downed his coffee after savouring the first few sips, mostly to be polite, and kept staring out the window, listening to Tifa shuffle around upstairs. Leon was long gone by now, and the empty streets were glistening slightly in the dawning light, dew on every surface.

Fuck, it was too early for this, why had he agreed to help her with delivery today?

Oh that's right. Because she was Tifa Lockhart- the most amazing friend anyone could ask for, with the most terrifying right hook he'd ever seen. Cloud was sure that there were still cracks in the wall from her stern reminder of his promise to help her set up her business ...

He smirked. Leon had been pissed over the poor treatment of his plasterwork.

Even so, it was too early for this. Cloud needed more coffee.

He slouched over the coffee machine as it whirred lazily to life. I wonder if there's such thing as a Caffeine Materia I could just carry around with me? Maybe Merlin could make a spell that can wake me up in the morning. He idly stirred a spoon in his empty mug as he listened to Tifa come down the stairs.


Cloud grunted.

Tifa yawned behind him, as tired as Cloud with the early start.

The two stayed in companionable silence for several minutes as Cloud waited for his pick-me-up and Tifa put together a quick breakfast. The smell of toast filled the air and Cloud's eyes slipped shut without his permission, only opening again when Tifa gasped and dropped her knife.


"Cloud ... um, are you aware that're budding?"

Cloud's head snapped up from it's dazed stare at the bubbling coffee. I'm what.

The blond turned to Tifa who looked at him wide-eyed, cosy jumper covering her body down to her mid thighs, hair messy from just getting out of bed. A hand hovered over her mouth and her eyes did not meet his, fixated on his temples ...

"What?" Cloud asked, realising that he had not spoken yet- it was too early for this.

Tifa bit her lip. After a moment of thought she shuffled closer, her crown of primarily Asters gently swaying with every step and she held up a hand. She paused, waiting for permission, and Cloud, getting more alarmed by the second, leaned forward to let her continue. Tifa's battle and work worn fingers lightly carded through Cloud's hair at his temple and with a gentle twist she plucked something from his head, something that Cloud felt to his alarm.

Blooming DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now