M for Mirth

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It's not a surprise when Aizawa presented himself with a list of people he found annoying. People like Yamada Hizashi are to be expected to sat at the top of the list. Tho lesser annoying people are placed in the far bottom, reserved to those Aizawa found mildly annoying.

But these days the list seems vague, like the order is wrong all along. And Shota himself couldn't figure out why his list no longer clicked. He still found Hizashi to be furiously obnoxious, yet it hasn't bothered him that much. At least not to a certain extent like someone did...

That someone, described as a fox spirit from another dimension they say. A guardian from an old shrine, alluring with his authentic charm and sly flirtation. Right, that person, he must be the one messing with Aizawa's list of annoying people.

Although Aizawa manage to find his source of annoyance, he couldn't really figure out why he was annoyed at the said person anyway. It's as if his very own presence had already annoyed Aizawa, which is weird since Aizawa never considered anything an annoyance by simply existing.

Speak of the devil, the said person showed up right on time. By the doorway of the U.A's teacher's office, where Aizawa daydreamed after a short nap. The man clicked his tongue in annoyance just as his eyes met those annoyingly bright irises. Those eyes that looked at him in pure happiness and love.

"Morning~ Shota-kun,"

The way his voice echoed in the room, yet it sounds like whispers just for Aizawa's sweet ears. The underground hero's name rolled out of his tongue with ease, with a specific tone that's unchanging for years. Aizawa's heart tingles, how annoying. He sighs, although with heavy heart, Shota responds, "it's not morning, [M/n]..."

[L/n] [M/n] couldn't stop his lips from stretching up, his eyes brightening just by the sheer sight of the black-haired sleepy head. "Have lunch with me?" He offered, eyes slanted due to his smiling, tho it only adds to his charm.

"No... I just ate," Aizawa groaned, rubbing his temples for god knows why. He didn't feel dizzy, yet his hand naturally moves on it's own.

"Come on, I know you haven't. I just saw you coming out of your class and straight here,"

"No... leave me alone, please." Aizawa begged, again rubbing his forehead. For what reason he was wondering again, was he really dizzy just by the sheer sight of the [H/c] man? Or is it to hide the—Oh my god, blush.

"Want me to feed you?" [M/n] offered with a wide smile, showing off his perfectly aligned teeth that is graced with a pair of fangs, increasing his already dauntingly beautiful smile. "Plus, you've been asking that for years now, and I never complied, what makes you think I will now?"

Right, 'leave me alone' is a sentence [M/n] was so familiar with. So much it became a a catchphrase for Shota, each time he saw the [H/c]-ette. Tho, the iron-willed man never let those simple words bother him in trying to woo the underground hero. It irked Shota so much at how hard he is trying, he simply couldn't understand what worth he holds for such person like [M/n] to approach him in the first place. "You're right, there's no point I'm asking that, I should just leave right awa—"

"Hey hey, now."

He flung his arm around Aizawa, like he always did since High school. Although he'd never admit it, Shota always felt suffocated each time those arms wrap around his shoulder. How he is pulled so close to the [H/c]'s chest, it made him forgot to breath and he had to do it manually. He could faintly hear the man's heartbeat, thumping slowly in a steady, calming rythm, yet it only made Aizawa's heart pump faster. Truly, suffocating.

"Who says you could leave? Like hell I'd let you leave without eating."

His strong arms forcefully pushing Aizawa back to his seat. With him securing the seat beside Shota, the underground hero let out an aggravated sigh. "Fine."

"Hehe!!! Here!" Casually throwing a jelly drink, Shota catches it with no problem. Grateful, tho there's no way he's going to say thank you.

"How's your day?" He asked, laying his head on the desk, attentively looking at Shota without blinking. Aizawa always found it weird at how much [M/n] likes to watch him from below angle, it makes him wonder what he looks like sometimes.

"Normal," Shota merely answered, not bothering to utter another word. He hated small talks, yet he also had known [M/n] long enough that whenever he started the sentence with 'how are you?', it's going to be a deep conversation.

"Thought so, things have been boring, eh?" [M/n] sighs, a soft smile plastered on his face that makes Shota's breath hitched.

"Don't say that, something's gonna happen if you say that." Ignoring his beating heart, Aizawa scoffed, desperately trying to calm himself from potentially doing something he'd regret.

"You're right, I shouldn't jinx it." The man grinned, nuzzling to his folded hands as his clear [E/c] eyes continue to pierce Shota in a loving gaze. "Hopefully nothing bad will happen again," his smile turned sour, his face contorts slightly to guilt and disgust, scanning Aizawa's body with hurt and pity seeing how it's wrapped in bandages from head to toe.

Aizawa knows he is referencing previous Villain attack that had just happened in U.A, tho Shota found it weird again how his eyes contained pain as he stared up at the black-haired man. He made it out alive after all, what's with the look?

"Hopefully, you won't get hurt again..." he whispered, which mainly sounds like he is talking to himself. "It pains me, you know?" His hand reach out to Shota, carefully planting his fingers on the side of his face.

Shota could only froze as [M/n]'s ghostly touch trail across his cheek and began playing with his untied hair, twirling it in between his fingers. The black-haired man's heart was beating erratically, which he found highly annoying and somewhat embarrassing. Logically, he'd wished the [H/c] would stop, but emotionally, he liked the fact that [M/n] is staring at him with such a loving eyes, gazing as if it's the only attraction in the room.

"Hey... Shota,"

Oh God, the way Shota's name rolled gracefully out of his mouth, it's a bliss to hear yet Shota wouldn't dare admit it. He can only watch as [M/n]'s hand cup his cheeks. The [H/c] lifts his head from the desk, eyes glued to Shota's jet black irises.

"Promise me, you'd take care of yourself..." he whispered, each word that came from his mouth brought his face closer to Aizawa's. "No more skipping meals... or I'll personally make sure you eat." [M/n] would've done that regardless.

Aizawa Shota could only sat in silence, his heart beating rapidly, so much it felt like it wasn't moving anymore. His face hot and red, blazing crimson showing off his embarrassment, he could only hope the pale bandages is enough to cover it. [M/n] is inches away from his face, his conscious wanted so desperately to shove the [H/c] away, yet he could never.

"Promise me that... ok?"

Just one, one centimeter... and their lips would touch. One dreaded centimeter of air that separates them from finally confirming their hearts. Aizawa was so ready to close his eyes, ready to feel heaven on earth. He could finally relieve his curiosity on how those appealing lips tasted like. Until—

"HEEEAAYYYY YEAAAH—!!!!" The door burst open with a force of thirty Soundwave, which could only mean the one and only Yamada 'Present Mic' Hizashi.

"Oh HEYYY~ BUDDY [M/N]!!!" He sang, not caring if he shouted right near [M/n]'s fox-like ears. Hizashi felt like today is a wonderful day to shout all he wants.


"WHOAAA SOMEONE'S ANGRYYY~!!!!" he shouted before moving away out of the doorframe, watching as the [H/c] speed walk away with his head hung low. Hizashi blinked, tilting his head at the scurrying man as he notice his ears are flushed red. He look back to the room, finding Aizawa hunched on his desk, head burrowed in between his arms.

Present Mic could only tilt his head in confusion, wondering what happened before he entered the teacher's office for [M/n] to be running away in a hurry and Shota hiding like a conch.

hate you, love you | Aizawa ShotaWhere stories live. Discover now