E for Exaltation

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The day suddenly got brighter.

Seems as if the orange sky had more colors, pink, purple, and pretty shade of indigo, all swirling to create a picturesque mix alongside the clouds. The crowds of people also seemed happier, walking along and skipping back to their homes after a long day of working and studying.

The scent of summer is closing by, and [M/n] happily inhaled the air as he close his eyes. Today shall be marked down by history and remembered within the [L/n] household (which only consists of [M/n]).

He skipped his way to Hosu Town, his assigned patrol for today. After all, he is a Pro-Hero, and much like the other Heroes who teach in Yuuei, after they've done their duties teaching, most would've continue their days patrolling and defeating crimes.
"Ah right, I heard there's 'Hero Killer' going around in Hosu." [M/n] mumbled to himself while observing the setting sun. Watching how the yellow hues slowly dissipates into purple. He sat on the highest point of the highest building, which gives him the best view of the slumbering sun casting down the busy city.

The calling 'Hero Killer' doesn't budge him at all, rather it made him cringe at how cheap the name is. It doesn't shake him one bit how he is also a potential victim. "I sure hope I ran into him," he scoffed, resting his head against the rail, taking in the warm breeze.

With eyes full of forlorn, he gazed at the sky longingly. Was he lonely? Did he already miss Shota? Or was he craving for a certain parent? The answer would be both. 

He suddenly let out a laugh, watching the warm-colored clouds moving like calm waves, "Father, it's been a long time. You won't believe I fucking did it!" He winked at the sky as if anyone would ever answer him. "I'm the happiest man alive now, and you can sure as hell believe I will do my best living!" He laughed again, treating the unchanging sky like an old friend.

"It's been a while," he smiled. "It's been a while, since I got something worth living for ever since you passed..." His [E/c] eyes shone brightly under the newly appeared moon, grinning sadly at the now dark sky. "I'll cherish him, I'll spoil him like you spoil me, I'll love him more than anyone will.." he whispered.

"So please give him your blessing and take care of him. Shota... he's now my everything," with his hands clasped together, he prayed. Silently smiling to himself and he took his time talking to his father, even after knowing he won't ever get a reply. But knowing his old man is in the sky somewhere and looking at him while laughing hysterically is enough to bring comfort.

He bask himself under the soft moonlight, enjoying each and every second of the passing breeze coldly hitting his now rough cheek. He sunk against the wall, briefly closing his eyes and letting the sound of the buzzing city fill his ears. His tail swayed playfully, sweeping the roof going left and right.

All was fine, although the peace was nothing but fraud.

[M/n] perked up, his nose scrunched as he look around. "Smells like blood," he whispered to himself before standing up. The smell of blood is potent, even in the highest peak of the building, which means it's near.

[M/n] briefly cracked his back before jumping to the edge railing, looking around for any trouble.

Strangely, despite the overwhelming metallic scent, the city was in peace, operating as usual as if only he could sense the danger. Normally, screams or loud explosions would alert him for any danger, yet his fox-like ears had picked up nothing. Although the smell of blood isn't rare for him, for it to be as ghostly quiet means something out of ordinary is happening.

The Fox Hero frowned, as far as his eyes can reach, no danger is seen. Yet, the bloody smell is unbearable enough, and surely any injury to induce that strong scent should be lethal.

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