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The sounds of swords clashing like thunder echoed throughout the heavens and down to the earth. Weather analysts determined it to be the worst storm in history. The booming thunder was pounding everywhere on the earth. Up in Heaven, it was the battle to end all battles. Heaven had been breached.

None of the angels could determine how, but that didn't matter now. Strange demons were invading heaven, and the angels were doing everything they could. With their God made swords, and angelic beings, they underestimated these demons.

They brought weapons of their own, and they were unlike any satan made demon they've every seen. Angels were falling down to the earth left and right. Down on earth, it looked like a Meteor shower. But when the meteors hit the ground, they weren't rocks at all. Just a normal human, standing in its place. In no time, only 5 angels remained.

These were the greatest warriors, the archangels themselves, fighting for the claim of Heaven. In the center of it, two angles, back to back, fighting off the bulk of the demons. Now these angels were heavens strongest and most powerful protectors. They were only second in command to St. Michael himself.

"I don't think we can hold them off much longer!" One said, panting. "We can do this! We just have to keep fighting!" The other yelled. It seemed like every time they destroyed a demon, five more took its place. They were loosing. "Michael! We need a little help!" One said. St.Michael turned to the two angels, trapped by the demons. He flew to the two, and battled with them, side by side.

The odds weren't good-they we're loosing. "We're not going to make it!" One said. "Wait!" The other said. "Not if we damasc." St. Michael and the other angel turned to the angel. "If we do that, we will fall from Heaven." St. Michael said. "But if we don't, these demons take over." They thought carefully. "There's a point there." "But we have to lock souls. One of us alone can't do it." They dropped their swords and held each other's hands.

The three angles closed their eyes and did what they call, a damasc. A glow surrounded the angels. It got brighter and brighter and brighter. They squeezed tighter. The power was overwhelming. Their light was brighter than the sun, and the whole earth was shed in its glory. The angels screamed in pain. Damascing is something only used in emergencies and could only be done by extremely powerful angels-but at one cost. Just as the angels were slipping away, one turned to the other and said, "I l-".

They fell. The last remaining angels fell to the earth. Heaven had been rid of the demons, but there were no more angels to protect it, or take care of Heaven. The billions of souls resting in heaven were released, and now drifting in the winds of the earth. The last three angels saved heaven, but also destroyed it at the same time.

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