Beacon of Hope

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Hey Guys!


Here’s a little one shot for you!


Now this is my first time writing something like this so I hope its ok. :) If all goes well there could be more where this came from :P.


AU: School

Pairings: Phan

Warnings: Fluff……Major fluff, MPREG (No I’m not a biologist and I know this isn’t technically possible but hey…..fiction knows no bounds….still don’t like don’t read), Angst.

Enjoy! xx

A cool breeze drifted through the open window; tickling the sensitive skin of his bare chest and sending sparks throughout his body. Placing a hand on his exposed stomach he felt the child move within him; a sharp, yet dull ache accompanying the movements. Dan breathed deeply.

“Hey,” he cooed “What’s up little one?” The pain increased slightly and Dan leant forward, his hands cementing on the sides of the basin and his head hanging low. Brows drawn together he bit his lower lip; releasing a shuddered breath. Tears prickled behind his eyes as the pain began to cease; the sudden realisation a slap in the face.

“Not yet little one…..not yet” Lifting his gaze his eyes met those of the identical boy before him; trapped within the looking glass. His dark brown hair curled like a hobbits and dark shadows were formed beneath his eyes. Dan stood up straight, watching as the boy did the same and just stood there; weakened from his sleepless night and the pains repeat performance. Replacing both of his hands on his stomach he looked down; taking in its distinctive curve.

“It’s going to be ok,” His thoughts drifted to the events of the past eight months and of the unbelievable task he was about to undertake. Of course he would never become a murderer but the inevitable responsibility of his decisions was dawning; like a storm on the horizon. Was he ready for this? Was this really what he wanted? As if reading his thoughts the baby kicked and Dan gasped, caressing his skin.

“Hey, it’s ok…’re not going anywhere,” The dulcet tones of the old grandfather chimed throughout the house; followed by his mothers voice.

“Dan! Adrian! Hurry up!” she called, the frustration evident “If you’re not down here in ten you can walk to school!” Dan let out sigh, pulling his shirt back on and leaving the privacy of the bathroom.

“Jeez……finally” His younger brother huffed, hopping from one foot to the other. He pushed past Dan forcefully; deliberately brushing against his shoulder. Dan smirked; the annoyance of his brother always bringing a smile. Obviously his child had a similar sense of humour and kicked in response. The smile faltered slightly; hoping they had his patience.

“Morning Daniel,” his mother Diane chirped as he descended the stairs “Sleep well?” Dan yawned, shrugging his shoulders.

“Where’s my jumper?” he asked.  Diane frowned, brushing her shoulder length brown hair from her eyes.

“I wish you didn’t wear that thing,” she said handing him a sweatshirt that was at least two sizes too big. Dan groaned, pulling the jumper over his head and rolling up the sleeves. It was true it was too big but it was necessary; it shielded his child from prying eyes.

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