How The Sun Came To Be

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By: lunaflower22

    When time began, there were only seven stars. Those stars drifted in space for centuries until they all collided into each other. From the scattered remains, 7 Gods were created. Their names were given as a gift to them from the Void. Adam, the God of Harvest, sought to bring food to the living. Rune, the God of Intelligence, wanted to give and gain knowledge. Owen, the God of the Living, wanted to create life wherever he went. Fay, the God of Death, balanced out the living by making them mortal. Anlon, the God of War, often aided Fay when he caused a war. Declan, the God of Peace and brother to Anlon, brought peace among the living when it was needed.

    The first thing the gods made was not the Earth. They created a girl. Her messy, curly hair was fiery red and her skin glowed as if there was fire in her veins. They called her Ignis. Each of the gods raised her into a beautiful young woman and taught her how to create light and fire. They loved her so much, they kept her hidden from the rest of the living.

    They then created the Earth a rocky planet that didn't have any life. They gave the purest water to the rivers and the seeds of life to the hills. Owen, Rune, and Fay came together and made the race of man; a race that would inhabit the Earth. When the 7 Gods created the Earth, it was dark and cold; the only light being that of which the gods themselves provided. Although thankful of what they were given, the race of man begged for more light and warmth. The Gods didn't know how to help them. They argued and fought over what to give them or what to create. "I will go!" Cried a voice from behind them. The Gods looked and found that the voice was Ignis! "I will give them the light and warmth they need," she stated. The Gods didn't respond, for they didn't know how to. "She can give them what they need." Rune calmly said, walking to stand beside her, "We have kept her for too long; it is time for us to let her go." The gods looked amongst themselves and debated on what to do.

    Even though they had doubts, they sent Ignis to earth to help the humans.  When the humans heard of her arrival, they cried out their thanks. They built statues to honor and worship the 7 Gods. Ignis gave them fire and light and traveled to the next town. As she traveled, the townsfolk began to realize that they couldn't keep her light. So, the trapped her in the town of Linmoor.

    The humans put her in a cell underneath an abandoned house. They used her light however they wished and caused it to dim significantly. When the Gods saw that her light had vanished, they began to worry. They went down to the earth and searched for her, but the humans knew the gods would take her away. They moved her to a dark cave in the side of a nearby mountain when the Gods weren't looking. She stayed there; under constant watch. Months went by and the Gods could not find her. They feared the worst had happened and grew sad at the thought.

    Ignis had almost given up hope of ever escaping her prison when a young, cloaked traveler stumbled upon the cave.

    "Excuse me." The traveler pulled down his hood. "Can one of you tell me where I am?" The guards looked at each other and pondered on what to do.

    "You're just south of Linmoor," one of the guards replied.

    The rest of the guards got up and pointed in the direction of where the town lied. The traveler took them by surprise and knocked the guards out. He freed Ignis and carried her to the Gods, for she was too weak to walk. When he arrived in front of the Gods, Ignis was close to death. The Gods were furious when they heard what happened. They brought storms upon storms onto the race of men. The Gods punished the people of Earth for abusing their gifts. During the punishment, Ignis awoke from her unconscious state.

    "Stop." She breathed deeply. They stopped arguing and looked at her. "What they did was wrong but they still deserve light. Make me a star. Let me give them the light they need," she continued.

    The Gods thought over the best course of action with the help of the young traveler. Days passed and most of the humans were begging for forgiveness. The traveler explained how they did wrong but it was only a few of the humans. So the Gods decided to question Ignis' kidnappers. After much discussion, the gods decided to punish the kidnappers and the guards that watched her cage. They sent them deep into space where barely any light could reach and told to live there for all eternity. Ignis' funeral was the next day. The Gods didn't want to say goodbye for they loved her greatly.

    "She wanted to become a star. She wanted to help the humans even after all they had done to her," Anlon whispered. The Gods then joined hands and rose her body to the sky and up through the clouds until she reached a little ways into the vast void. They chanted a simple phrase in a long forgotten language that transformed Ignis' body into a star they called the sun; for she had lit up their infinite lives greatly.


    I wrote this year's ago as an assignment for my English class and I have not been able to forget about it. I know it was a little fast paced but I wanted to see how people would like this idea before I started publishing what I have written about how the sun came to be. Let me know what you think and stay hydrated!

    With love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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