chapter 1

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namjoon, jin, yoongi, hoseok, jimin, jeongguk and taehyung.

a clique which is well known in their college. a lot of people want to be friends with them and a lot of girls and even guys wants to get close to jeongguk. like very very close.

that's because he is hot and goodlooking and nobody can't manage to get their hormones under control.

taehyung and the rest aren't really interested in other people. but of course jeongguk has to like banging every girl who comes close to him. and we're talking about a lot of girls here.

there's also a lot of guys who are interested in taehyung but he doesn't know that. sometimes his friends would hear how some hormone controlled dickheads would talk about taehyung. ass or imagine sex scenarios with him. but taehyungs friends don't tell him about that, because tae is very innocent and they also know that he would feel very uncomfortable.

the friendship between them all is very strong. well, you can't say the same about the friendship between taehyung and jeongguk.

jeongguk seems to hate taehyung which makes him really sad. he just can't understand why. taehyung is very kind and good hearted and he always used to smile when he was with his friends but now he just feels uncomfortable when he is with jeongguk. and since they're a gang jeongguk is always with them so taehyung has to feel uncomfortable all the time.

the saddest part is that they used to be very close. but then jeongguk suddenly changed. a lot.

taehyung is aware of the hate he's getting from jeongguk because jeongguk isn't really interested in hiding it. when taehyung says something to his friends jeongguk would just make an unnecessary and mean comment out of nowhere, which really hurts taehyungs feelings.

so the last few weeks he completely stopped talking. he is just too scared of getting another comment from jeongguk which would make him feel even more uncomfortable than he already is.

his friends always tell jeongguk to stop being so mean to taehyung but why would he care? and taehyung always says that it is okay, when it's clearly not.

but he doesn't want to look like a baby in front of jeongguk. he doesn't want to show how hurt he always is. so now he's just completely quiet.

they're having a school break right now and are sitting in the cafeteria on the same table they always sit. and no one else would take the place, no matter how late taehyung and the others would come sometimes. everyone knows that this table belongs to them and they have respect for that.

"tae why don't you eat anything?" Jimin, taehyungs best friend (they call each other soulmate) is very worried about him.

"i-i'm not hungry. I'm going to the restrooms real quick.", taehyung nervously says and stands up from his seat.

"jeongguk you really need to stop treating him like that." Hoseok says as soon as taehyung is gone.

"he's right gguk. taehyung doesn't talk anymore. not even with us.", jin adds, also worried about their little angel.

"yeah, because he's scared of jeongguk's dumb comments.", yoongi says and all of them hope that jeongguk at least starts to feel a little bit guilty.

but he doesn't.

"I don't care. I don't care about him so don't get on my nerves.", he says, clearly annoyed.

They also don't understand why he treats taehyung like that. he never did anything bad to him. no he really didn't, it's the other way around.

taehyung is always very nice to him and no matter how mean jeongguk is, taehyung always thinks about him. when they get some food and jeongguk isn't with them because he is banging a girl, taehyung always buys food for him too so he can eat it when he comes back to their shared dorm.

but does jeongguk appreciate these things? no. he doesn't even say thank you when he's sitting in their dorm and is eating the food taehyung bought for him.

yes, they're sharing a dorm. sometimes jeongguk goes away in the evening and comes back the next morning. or sometimes he comes very late in the night, when it's almost morning but still dark. that's when taehyung understands he was frick fracking someone again. taehyung doesn't know why but it always hurts him a lot, knowing jeongguk left him alone in the dorm to be with some stupid girls.

since taehyung is very scared alone in the dark, because of something traumatizing that happened to him in the past, it's very hard for him. so no matter how mean jeongguk is to him, he can't deny that he feels happy as soon as jeongguk stays in the dorm. and sometimes when jeongguk is gone taehyung just stays awake until 4 or 5 am, because he's waiting for jeongguk so he can finally sleep peacefully. sometimes he comes, sometimes not.

no one knows why he behaves like that, but they hope that it'll stop soon. because you can clearly see how sad taehyung is, but tries to hide it. but it's just getting worse and worse.


it's 4 am and taehyung is alone in the dorm. he somehow managed to fall asleep at 2 am, but now he has a nightmare and wakes up.

he's breathing heavily and broken sobs are leaving his mouth. he's scared of the dark which makes things only worse.

he's hiding under the blanket, but can't stop crying. "j-jeongguk p-please come b-back"

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