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My name is Nicole.I'm a rookie Diva on the WWE show NXT.My pro is the "Show Off " Dolph Ziggler.We were backstage on the last episode of Season 3 waiting for the last compition.I was trying my converse boots up with my long, curly hair getting in my eyesight,I heard my locker door open and a cocky voice that belong to that person stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around my wasit.I straightened up and sighed, I knew who he was without even looking.


I slapped his arms off my waist and turned around to face him.His big cystal clear blue eyes staring into my brown eyes.A smirk played on his hollywood tanned face showing off his bright white smile.I glared at him, he was a player he broke my best friend's ,Maria;s heart without an explaination and he has the nerve to call me "babe"

"What do you want?!"My anger issues were getting the best of me at the sight of him.

His smirk grew bigger and he ran a hand through his oiled up blond hair,"Thats no way to talk to your pro after all I did for you,now is it?"He had a point ,he had trained me and without his help I would have never made it to a WWE company.But even if he is my pro it doesn't give him the right for him to play with my best friends's feelings then break up with her for no reason on live tv.An evil Idea popped into my mind ... I'm goning to make him pay! mwahahaha

I lustfully licked my lips as my eyes traveled down his tanned abs ,making sure my hips swayed I walked over to him and ran a teasing fingers up and down his chest.I looked up hiim and lightly kissed his jawline.His blue eyes were wide with shock and lust,I stood on my tippy-toes and whispered in his ear.

" I'm going to make you suffer when I get tansfered when I get drafted to SmackDown,Zg-Zag if I was you , I would start watching my back, cause this kity has clws and she isn't afraid to use them.Consider yourself warned."I then knee'd him where the sun doen't shine and he fell groaning in pain.

I blow him and kiss and winked at him."Love you Zig-Zag"I said sacasticly and walked out my locker room and towards the ring to wait for the resukts on who was going to be the next Breakout WWE Diva.

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