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Ann's P_O_V

the tears flowed freely down my cheeks and my eyes were puffy. and I can't breath, it felt as if my airway was blocked. I hugged the picture tighter and curled into an even smaller ball beneath the blanket. the lights were all out and all I could hear were the sound of my sobs. I was clutching two pictures to my chest, one from my wedding day where Conner and I are dancing, and one from the day Jace was born. I wish I could hold Conner's sword, and read the words that I still know by heart. but his sword had disappeared from the cave the day Jace was born, along with Conner's knifes. not all I had of my love was my ring, pictures, and some items that hurt to look at because of the memories they cause me to remember. I now I said I was ready to move on, but I can't forget the man I loved, for I still love him.

I could feel someone moving and I knew from the sound of their footsteps that it was my brother and father. this was confirmed when my dad removed the blanket and pulled me into his arms, I might be 21 but I'm still my daddy's little girl. my head rested between his shoulder and neck, and I breathed in his scent as I clung to him. Dick rubbed my back and soon I was calm and the tears were gone, but I still clung to my father.

"why did this have to happen? first I lost Conner and now my BABY." I yelled the last word and then the tears were flowing once again. I had lost Conner five years ago, and now my baby was taken from me almost seven days ago.

"I don't now angel, but we are having a meeting to talk about how to continue the search." Dick said, and I knew that he was in pain over Jay's disappearance as well, for he only called me Angel when he was feeling some strong emotions. "it's just going to be the family, the entire family."

by 'family' he meant the people that had meant the most to Conner, and that we had always considered our true family, not just coworkers or companions. our family consisted of the following.

Johnathan and Martha Kent (A/N I'm making it so they are both alive), who were Conner's Grandparents. they had become like my own grandparents, and I had found out that they actually considered my dad their son. they had helped me so much when it came to raising Jason, and getting coming to terms with Conner's death. we often had family meetings at their farm house once a month when the entire family would get together.

Clark and Lois, who were Conner's parents. and then of course Alfred and my own dad. he had gotten married to Selena Kyle about three years ago, and she had been killed last year. I had once thought that he would marry Dianna/Wonder Woman, but they became best friends and are now brother and sister. Wonder Woman is also a member of the family, she had fallen in love with a human, and he had died a little before they had been supposed to be married. but he had made her pregnant and she was now the proud mother of a little two year old little boy that she had named 'Conner J. Prince', but we all called him CJ because it hurt us all to remember his name sake.

we then have Dinah/BC and Ollie/Green Arrow, who had married three years ago. they had found out that Dinah couldn't have children, so they make do with treating the pack, and the new team like their own kids. and Berry and Iris, who were Wally's aunt and uncle, and Berry is Flash. and then there's the Pack. Me, Dick, Kaldur, Arty, Wally, and Jay. in all, there are 19 people in our family, and if Conner was here there would be 20.

"come on" Dad said, and then he picked me right up into his arms. "we don't want to keep the family waiting."

he carried me out of my house and back to Mount Justice. like always he had locked it down so no one would be able to interfere with out Reunion. but this time I wished someone would interfere, I wished that my baby would be back, and that Conner was still alive and that I was being held in his arms, not my fathers.

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