Chapter One

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   Sora woke up and groaned. His bedside clock said 5:30 am. Way too early to get up.
   Sora rolled over then stopped. Kairi wanted to walk to school today, which meant Sora needed to get ready.
    Pulling himself out of bed, Sora stepped over the clothes strewed across the floor to his dresser.
    On top, sat two pictures. One was of Donald and Goofy, Sora's pet duck and dog. They weren't aloud to come to Destiny Islands so they were with a man named Eraqus.
  Sora has visited them everyday that summer but now school was starting, Sora wouldn't see them often.
  The second picture was of Riku and Kairi, Sora's new friends. Riku had met Sora at the docks the day Sora had arrived. Riku has introduced Sora to Kairi the next day.
   Sora grinned at the photos. "New school, day 1. Lets make it great,"
   Looking back at the clock, Sora's eyes widened. "6:00! I'm going to be late!"


    Kairi grinned as Sora ran up the boardwalk to her. "Sorry!" Sora exclaimed. "Lost track of the time."
    Kairi laughed. "It's okay, Sora. Really. Riku a little late too."
   Sora grinned. "Him? Never."
Kairi nodded. "Really. Something about his boat springing a leek. So we can head out before him."
   She lead Sora up the beach and towards the forest.
"Because of a change, four schools were put together. Destiny, Twilight, Oblivion and a group of homeschoolers are all now under Kingdom High."
    Sora nodded. "Okay. Anything else?" He asked.
   Kairi bit her lip. "We have two principles. Yen Sid and Xemnes. Yen Sid was ours and Xemnes was Obivion's. Xemnes supposedly is really strict, more to other students then his own. Yen Sid deals punishment more fairly," Kairi explained. "But they built a new building for all of us students."
    She pulled a few vines aside, revealing a cave. "This way."
     Sora fallowed her deeper into the cave to a single door that appeared. "Names?" A voice asked.
    "Kairi and Sora." Kairi replied. The door swung open, revealing stairs.
Sora and Kairi  turned to see Riku run up, his backpack swinging on one shoulder. "Name?" The door asked.  "Riku. Let's go." Riku said, leading the way up the stairs.
    Kairi fallowed as did Sora, who was almost blinded by the bright sun that poured down.
    "Welcome to Kingdom High!" A girl called out. "My names Olette. From Twilight High," she pointed to a swirling portal, where two boys were stepping out of. "Those two are Hayner and Pence," Olette said. "We should get our class times from Principal Yen Sid. See you in class."
    Hayner and Pence waved to Sora, Kairi, and Riku before fallowing Olette into the school.
    Riku nodded his head to the building. "We should fallow them."
   Sora fallowed Riku and Kairi into the bustling school. A group of students in black coats stood near the doors and glared at them.
    Riku glared back and Kairi had to push him along. "Don't." She whispered.
    Sora looked back. "What was that about?" He asked.
    Riku grunted. "Oblivion High was a "members only" school that are approved by Xemnes. They beat us at the school games last year, but we reported their cheating and got them disqualified," Kairi explained. "We've never been on their good side since."
     Sora looked back one more time. The Oblivion students were looking at him, their eyes giving him looks of death.


   Principal Yen Sid handed Riku, Kairi, and Sora their class times. "I must ask," The man said. "That you not get into trouble. Principal Xemnes has asked to take care of trouble students."
  He looked at Riku, who nodded. "Yes sir." Kairi said, opening the door and bumping into someone. "Oh! Pardon me."
    Sora looked around Kairi at the figure. A man with gold eyes and sliver hair. Xemnes.
    "My apologies. We wouldn't want to damage a powerful light." Xemnes said, stepping aside.
Kairi, Riku, and Sora raced past him and down the hall. "He's so creepy!" Riku said. "I can't believe we have a class with him."
"It's part of the join of schools," Kairi said. "At least all of our other classes are good."
Sora agreed.

At lunch, the three split to make new friends. Kairi walked over to the table that the homeschoolers had sat at. "Hi. My names Kairi. Are you saving this seat?" She asked, smiling.
The two students that sat there looked up. "Nope," The bluenette said. "Terra's sick today so it's just me and Ven. I'm Aqua."
    Kairi grinned. "And I'm Ventis, but friends call me Ven." The blond said, shifting down.


Riku headed to the Twilight table, where Olette was waving him over. "Glad to have survived day one?" Pence asked, pointing at Riku with a fork.
    Riku nodded. "Yeah. Classes seem to be harder."
"That's because we're high schoolers now," Hayner said. "Get use to it."


Sora walked over to a table where three people sat, in black coats. "Do you guys go to Oblivion High?" Sora asked, sitting down.
One, a red head, looked up, his green eyes trained on Sora. "Yes, but we don't support Xemnes' requests. I'm Axel Flame."
"Sora Wind. I go to Destiny High." Sora said, shaking Axel's extended hand.
Axel gestured to his friends. "This is Roxas and Xion."
Sora blinked. Roxas held his gaze. "Nice to meet you, Sora." Xion said, smiling.
Sora grinned back. "Nice to meet you guys too."


Xemnes watched the lunch room with delight. "Light and Dark are mingled. The first Key is forged!"
A dark Keyblade appeared behind him and Xemnes started laughing.


After lunch, Sora rejoined Riku and Kairi. "I sat with a few Oblivion students," Sora said. "Axel Flame, Roxas, and Xion."
Riku started. "Oblivion? Why would you do that?"
Sora looked Riku in the eye. "Because they don't support Xemnes' actions."
Kairi watched as Riku looked down at his feet. "Sorry Sora," he said. "I guess I believe all the Oblivion's liked Xemnes."
Kairi blinked. Riku hardly said sorry.
Sora smiled. "It's okay, Riku. But you should sit with them tomorrow."
Riku looked up and grinned. "Okay, but you sit with the Twilight students."
Sora shook Riku's hand. "Deal."
Kairi hugged them both. "I sat with the homeschoolers, Aqua and Ven. Terra was sick today."
The three laughed together as they walked to their next class.


Aqua turned to Ven. "I like her," Ven said. "Does she seem familiar?"
Aqua nodded. "Yeah, but I can't place where."
Ven looked at his class times. "Looks like we have Principle Xemnes class now."
Aqua sighed then stood. "Let's get going."


Xemnes looked at Vexen. "Prepare the Science Lab for my class," Xemnes said. "I need a Big Bang for the Light. Something that will remind them of their place behind us Dark."
    Vexen grinned, his eyes growing gold. "With pleasure."
I hope you all enjoy this chapter.
I'm brand new at writing on here so please give support.

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