Chapter Two: The Lady Who Heals

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She walked with grace and silence as they roamed the town, though it was unsafe for the two of them, they had important business to carryout.

"Lady Tamayo," Yushiro's spoke with the softness of a thousand flowers.

The maiden turned to him, her expression was quite emotionless. "Are you sure we should be all the way out here?"  Yushiro asked with uncertainty.

"I feel as if there is someone that needs our help, Yushiro. And I will never deny someone of help if its within my power to do so." Lady Tamayo replied.

"And doesn't the smell of Demon blood intoxicate your nose just as it does mine?" She asked with a smile.

"But what if it's Muzan? I do not believe I am capable of fighting him on my own." Yushiro said. "You're never alone, Yushiro. I'm here with you." Tamayo said.

Yushiro scoffed with a soft shade of red on his cheeks. "As if I'd let you fight Muzan. Not in a million years, M'lady."

Tamayo smiled. "You're sweet, Yushiro." She giggled.


Tanjiro woke up late at night to loud noises from the apartment next to his. "Nezuko.." He said quietly as he leaned over the edge of his bed and reached underneath it.

Nezuko's small hand touched Tanjiro's and grew in size as she crawled from underneath the bed. She patted Tanjiro head and helped the boy off of his bed.

"I hear loud noises in Inosuke's apartment..." Tanjiro said in a concerned tone.

Nezuko hummed and sniffed the air. Tanjiro sniffed the air as well. "I smell....blood." He whimpered.

"Come on, Nezuko! I have to see if Inosuke's alright!" Tanjiro yelped, trying to quickly navigate himself through the apartment and out the door.

Inosuke hit the hallway wall, a splatter of blood painted itself on the wall lightly. The boy's sword quivered in his hand as he desperately tried to get up.

Though blurry, Inosuke looked up seeing Nezuko tower over him in a protective manner. Tanjiro crawled to his side, his hand gently planted in a small pool of blood.

"Inosuke....? Are you....." Tanjiro whimpered. "Yeah....I'm here but I don't know how much longer." Inosuke replied, his voice was raspy.

Tanjiro grabbed the handle of Inosuke's sword. Inosuke grabbed Tanjiro's freehand. "What the hell are you doing?" He barked.

Tanjiro yanked his hand away with a small grunt. He stood up and held the sword fiercely.

Nezuko patted Inosuke's head and smiled a bit. Inosuke grabbed her hand and stumbled to get up. "Tanjiro no." He said sternly.

Tanjiro gasped, Inosuke had finally got his name correct. But this wasn't the time for a love fest, Tanjiro wanted to protect Inosuke and that's what he was going to do.

"I'm sorry, Inosuke but I have to protect you! I care about you too much to lose you." Tanjiro said with tears in his eyes.

Inosuke's eyes widened, though he'd never heard someone say those words, he actually felt the same for Tanjiro.

"How adorable...the little blind boy wants to save you.." The demon emerged from the shadows. Douma. A demon Inosuke has been troubled by before.

Inosuke growled. "Shut the hell up, I'll cut you into the pieces!" He shouted.

Douma only grinned, He raised a hand. "Don't worry, once I absorb you both, you'll still be together." He said in a wicked tone.

Nezuko growled and her pupils shifted into slivers. She pushed herself in front of Inosuke and Tanjiro.

"I knew you were a demon, but I assume we were on the same side..." Douma showed a face of slight disappointment.

"Oh well. You'll die along with them." He said with a large grin. "Blood Bewitched: Aroma of Visual Fantasy." A voice called out before an array of flowers danced through the air and shielded Nezuko, Inosuke and Tanjiro.

Tamayo and Yushiro could be seen through the thick fog of flowers. Tamayo motioned her hand, beckoning the three to follow her.

Nezuko blinked before following the two demons. Inosuke held Tanjiro's hand and pulled him along.

As they walked through the hallway, it was silent, Douma had disappeared as well. Inosuke looked around and even at Tamayo and Yushiro.

Inosuke opened his mouth to say something but he instead coughed. His coughs steadily became more violent until he coughed blood.

"Inosuke..?" Tanjiro reached his hand up but Inosuke pushed it down. "I'm fine." He said sternly. "You was really stupid of you to take my sword thinking you could kill a demon." He said.

Tanjiro lowered his head and nodded. "I know....but I really just want to protect you....and Nezuko..." He whimpered. "You're all I have left...."

Inosuke huffed and began coughing again. He held his chest and let go of Tanjiro's hand. Nezuko turned back to the two and jogged over to help Inosuke.

She tapped his cheek, Inosuke grunted and looked at the girl with a pained expression. Nezuko grabbed Tanjiro's hand and patted Inosuke's head with her freehand.

Inosuke pushed her hand away before falling over. Nezuko hummed quietly. Tanjiro let go of Nezuko's hand and rushed down to Inosuke.

Tanjiro's eyes watered. "Inosuke...?" He whimpered. He held a hand on the boy's chest, feeling his slow and steady breaths. "Please help him..." Tanjiro said, facing Tamayo and Yushiro.

The two demons looked at each other, Tamayo looked concerned while Yushiro held a stern face. Yushiro then sighed. Tamayo smiled and looked at Tanjiro.

"Come home with us." She said softly.

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