Chapter 1: Control

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As the day became done, and the night had begun, Kris Dreemur went to bed, hoping to actually fall into some form of slumber. Today was a long day, not only gaining friends other than his older brother, Asriel, but also saving the world from destruction, he needed rest after all this. 

He crawled onto his bed and put the covers over him and closed his hidden eyes, falling asleep slowly, but surely.

But, later that night, Kris...felt off. He pulled away the covers and then stepped onto the floor as if someone was forcing him too. He then walked to the center of his room, head hung low, then he suddenly shoved his arm through his chest and was trying to grab something. Kris screamed in pain, he couldn't control himself and someone was forcing him to do this act. He finally found what he was trying to reach and ripped out a red heart from his chest, and his screams of pain stopped. That heart was his soul, his soul of DETERMINATION, very few humans had it.

He unwillingly gripped the soul tightly, as if he was trying to crush his own soul and kill himself. 

"GET...OUT....OF....MY.....HEAD!!!!" Kris screamed, but whoever was making him do this did not listen and threw his soul into the cage set on the wagon he and his brother played with when they were much younger.

Kris felt...nothing, absolutely nothing, everything that he had felt was gone, and emotion had faded away into nothing. He reached into his pocket and then pulled out a silver switchblade, and his crimson red eyes glowed brighter and brighter, and an evil smile grew across his face...An urge started to grow....An urge to kill....An urge to slaughter....An urge to murder.

Then, Kris' soul of DETERMINATION busted itself out of the cage and back into Kris' chest, causing him to drop the switch blade and fall to his knees, breaking his urge to kill

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Then, Kris' soul of DETERMINATION busted itself out of the cage and back into Kris' chest, causing him to drop the switch blade and fall to his knees, breaking his urge to kill. He began breathing heavily, he wasn't sure if he was in full control of himself again...He was. He had felt this feeling of numbness several times when he was in The Dark World, that feeling made him do things that he didn't want to do. Some actions that feeling of numbness made him do were things he never had guts to do. That feeling was...confusing, almost impossible to explain properly.

This feeling...This one was different. It was...controlling, possessive almost. Not unlike the other feeling where he would only feel numb for a couple of minutes, this one was more aggressive. It commanded Kris to rip out his own soul, but why?

Kris' head and body ached, he felt like he could just lay on the floor and fall asleep, he felt so tired, but yet his body ached.

There was a tough knock on the door, and Kris looked up. "....C-Come in." He muttered.

It was Toriel, who had a concerned look on her face. "My child? What happened? I heard screaming." She walked over to her son and lowered down to his level.

"...Nightmare..." He lied.

Toriel gave a look of sympathy and hugged him. "It will be alright, Kris. It was just a dream."

Kris hugged back, glad to move his own arms again.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"N...Not really. It's hard to explain..."

Toriel sighed. "Alright, my child. Will you be able to sleep again?"

"I think so..." Kris said quietly.

"Very well, goodnight." She kissed his forehead and then walked back to her room.

Kris got to his feet and then walked back to his bed, letting himself fall onto it, but he didn't sleep, he only wanted to recollect his thoughts. Usually, whenever Kris had trouble sleeping, Asriel would help him fall back asleep. It warmed Asgore and Toriel's hearts to see Asriel care so much for his little brother, even though one was a monster and the other a human.

Sadly, he was alone tonight and couldn't do anything about it. But, this would give him time to think about who or what was making him rip out his own soul, the culmination of his very being. It confused him deeply, he couldn't figure out why, and how someone would be able to do that...

Then, he thought about something the mad court jester, Jevil had spoke when they finally beat him by using Ralsei's pacify spell.


The shadow of The Knight's hand? What did that mean? And he didn't have a nightmare. Then again, Jevil had said it would awaken in his heart, and maybe being ripped out was a pretty bad thought for a heart or soul. He shook his head at the thought and focused back on the mysterious Knight...

He had only been mentioned a couple times by Seam, the Other Kings, and Jevil. Yet, all the times he was mentioned, dread and fear was in their voice. He then remembered how quiet and scared Ralsei would get whenever someone brought up The Knight...

"But, recently a strange knight appeared...And three of the kings were locked away. The remaining king put him and his strange son into power. This land hadn't seen THIS much chaos since..." The old shopkeeper laughed. "Well, you don't need to know about THAT."

Susie wasn't paying very much attention to the story, probably thinking it was just an urban legend or not caring at all.

Ralsei...was completely silent, and looked at the ground. He was never this quiet, he usually always had something to say, yet...He was silent.

"Yo, toothpaste boy! You gonna talk or what?"


Kris turned to Ralsei, looking concerned. "Ralsei?"

"....I-I'm ok. W-We have a world to save!" He said with a fake smile, something about mentioning the mysterious knight bothered him.

Kris was worried, but he nodded, obeying Ralsei's unheard wish to not speak of that tale...

He would never forget that face he made, it was just so...sad. As if he was grieving, did he know this knight?

"Ralsei..." He whispered, remembering their time when King Spade locked them away and they had kissed for the first time. He smiled at the memory of his prince's blushing face, he always found a way to become so adorable and make Kris smile, even when he wasn't trying.

He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at a photo he took with the whole gang, when they were about to head to The King's castle.

Kris was smiling while his arm was around Ralsei, who was also smiling happily, but blushing a tiny bit. Susie was making a mischievous smirk, her fangs showing. She was next to Lancer, who was in midair since he had jumped to be in the photo, he had that signature smile of his that could either strike fear into toddlers or make someone wanna laugh with the guy. 

He looked at his fluffy prince in the photo and smiled. "I hope you're doing good, Ral..."

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