Girl meets Home Economics

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Maya POV

"I'm so excited, I am SO EXCITED!" Riley yelled as we walked to our Home Economics class.

"Riles, call down" Lucas said with a chuckle

"I'm sorry I just LOVE this class!" Riley said as we entered the classroom

Lucas, Farkle, Riley and I all say in one table

"Alright class, today I will be grading you on your parenting skills" Mrs. Ramona said

"Oh god" I said under my breath

"I am assigning you up in pairs. Riley, you're with Farkle. Lucas, you're with Maya." she said

Lucas POV

This is going to be a pretty good assignment

"Here are your child's" Mrs. Ramona says as she hands is fake baby dolls

The bell rang and all of us left the classroom

"Alright Lucas, you take the baby for today" Maya says handing me the baby

"We're suppose to take care of it together."

All of a sudden the baby broke, well I think it did

"Feed me!" it said

"Lucas what do we do?!" Maya yelled

"I don't know! Feed it!" I say

"Feed it what?!"

"Uh, get milk!"

Maya and I run to the cafeteria. We get a milk carton and we put it in a bottle that Mrs. Ramon gave us along with diapers.

Maya started to feed our baby

"I think we fixed our baby" Maya said handing it back to me

"Yeah. Where do we put it?" I ask

"I guess we'll have to carry it around." Maya says


Maya POV

We were in Mr. Matthews class and he was teaching boring stuff

"And that is why the civil wa-"

"Feed me" the baby yelled

"Not again" Lucas groaned

I got the bottle from my backpack but this time, I handed the baby and the bottle to Lucas.

"Your turn" I say before I turn back around to face Mr. Matthews again

Lucas fed our baby and it finally shut up.

"Sorry Mr. Matthews, Maya and I have to take care of a baby for our home economics class." Lucas explained

"You guys have to control that thing. Just like how I had to control that thing that I call my daughter." Mr. Matthews said pointing at Riley

"Haha hehe. Farkle and I are paired up and we have our baby all under control" Riley said patting her baby's back

All of a sudden, Riley's baby spit up on her shoulder

"Oh my god. Maya help me please." Riley whined

"Alright sweetie." I said

I grab some tissue paper and I dab them on Riley's shoulder

The bell rang which meant the school day ended

"Class Dismissed" Mr. Matthews said


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