Chapter 1

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I was running, fast; super fast. I could hear myself breathing and it was harsh. I was running through a forest. Branches were snapping under my feet, my feet were bare. I didn't feel any pain at all. I just heard myself breathing and felt like I was on air.
I was confused, what was I running from? I started to approach a large rock, I wasn't slowing down. I was going to run into this rock face first. I prepared myself for impact, hands covering my face. *beep beep beep* I opened my eyes, I was laying in my bed, and I was looking at the ceiling. I took a sigh of relief. I grabbed my phone and hit stop on my alarm. My phone read 6:35 am. Today was my first day of senior year. I was excited & kinda nervous. I've worked extremely hard these last 3 years in high school and this year I wasn't messing that up. I had a 4.0 GPA, I was co-captain on the volleyball && softball team. Between all that I was also a waitress down at my local diner.
I climbed out of bed, my feet touching the cold hard wood. I brushed my brown hair, out my face. I was a pretty average looking girl. I had pale skin, brown hair, and hazel eyes. I was nothing spectacular, just you know Plain Jane. I threw on a big t-shirt, some dark ripped jeans, and slid on my sandals. I brushed my teeth and straightened my hair. I walked downstairs to grab some breakfast. "Good Morning Ashley Marie, today embarks a new beginning of your life." My mom was beaming at me as she cut up some fruit. "I'm so excited for you this year, you're going to do great!" She smiled and ate a piece of watermelon. My dad walked holding his briefcase and the paper. My parents were high school sweethearts. My dad having sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, while, my mom had brown hair and hazel eyes like me. But, my mom was absolutely breathe taking, while I looked like a troll. My poured his cup of coffee and took a seat. "So, are you excited Ash? Last year of high school, last year of sports; how are you feeling?" He took a sip peering at me over top of the cup. I shrugged taking a bite of my eggs. "I'm a little sad, and excited I suppose. It's my last year of school until college, but, I'm just ready to be done with high school." My dad nodded and took another sip, "graduating high school is something you'll always remember. It's a huge accomplishment, so make it worth it." He put his mug in the sink, kissed my mom, and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you girls later, I love you." I waved bye, and grabbed my stuff. "I should probably get going mom, have a good day!" I hugged her, grabbed my bag and keys, and went out the door.
I arrived at school 20 minutes early. I enjoy being early, but, I enjoy just taking a moment to myself. I was having a "zen" moment, and I was trying to prepare myself for the upcoming year. When suddenly my passenger door flew open. I jumped in my seat and looked over. There sat my best friend, Rylan. She handed me a Red Bull, my favorite. "Omg, I've missed you." She grabbed really tight. Every summer me and Rylan hang out but, this summer she went on a cruise. She started rambling on and on about the cruise, the water, the boys she saw. When she suddenly stopped talking and was staring very hard out my window. I looked up at her, "uh, are you good Ry?" I asked waving my hand in her face. Her jaw was dropped, her eyes glazed over. "Who is that hunk of a man?" She whispered yelled. I turned to look were she was pointing. There stood a boy, at least 6'2-6'3, he had jet black hair, tan skin, and his eyes were the color of what look like Minecraft emeralds. I was a little taken back, I've never seen this guy, but, he seemed so familiar to me. He was hanging out with all the "stoners and tough dudes." I looked back at Rylan, "wow, I don't know what to say." I said as I look back down at my phone scrolling though Facebook. "We have to go talk to him." Rylan started grabbing her stuff rapid fire. Rylan has a tendency of doing shit before thinking about it. It's gotten her in a lot of trouble. "Rylan, no. I don't want to seem judgmental but, he se-." She was already half that there. I groaned grabbed my bag and redbull and jogged over to her. She was already talking to him and the group of people around them. I took a deep breathe, I hate socializing. I wasn't popular, but, I didn't get bullied either. People knew me because of sports but, I wasn't anything to crazy around here. I tucked in my shirt a little in the front and slammed the rest of my redbull. First impressions always count.
I walked up to the group. One of the guys named Chase was actually a good friend of mine. I used to pee for him so he could pass drug test. "Hey Ash, how was your summer?" Chase waved me over. I waved a little. "It was alright, had conditioning most of it but, other wise it was alright." I began to play with the hem of my shirt and I was looking at the ground mostly. "Ashley, come here. I want you to meet someone." I looked up and saw Rylan waving me over and I saw the boy. He was tall, and had pretty eyes. We locked eyes for a moment and I felt chills go down my spine. "Ash, this is my new friend Will. Will, this is my best friend Ashley." Rylan was beaming at us both. He stuck his hand out, and I grabbed it to shake it. My hand felt so small in his, but, his hands were warm and soft. I smiled slightly at him. "Nice to meet you." I said confidently. He nodded, "same to you." His voice was low and smooth, like music to my ears almost. I felt my face heating up and I didn't know why. I sighed with relief when the bell rang. I walked to my first class which was Microeconomics with Rylan, Chase, and Will.
There's something about that boy named Will I don't know what it is. But, I'll figure it out.

🦋OMG HI! I haven't wrote a story in so long. My last story was a Michael Clifford Fanfic that blew up! It had 200k reads, and I couldn't believe it. I came back a year after I wrote it and deleted it. I hated the story line, and I hated how I ended it. But, now I have a fresh new story for you guys! I know this is like every basic story beginning on watt pad but, I've got some good ideas to make this story pop! Remember to Like, Comment, & Follow! Have a great day/night!🦋
- Kinsley

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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