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"When I was young, I lived on a ranch." my father explained. "We owned four legged creatures called horses. They came in brown, black, grey, and white. There were even mixes of colors on the same horse! They were very graceful, and beautiful." He reflected. "We used to ride them through the fields..." he rambled on and on, as he usually does with his stories.
My father loves telling me stories of my mother, family and their home planet. He says it was green with grass, blue with water, and white with snow.
The day I was born my mother and father were watching the news weather channel, "Very cloudy, a hurricane is making its way towards Los Angeles..." It definitely wasn't a normal day.
*returning from flashback*
My father said that if you've ever been to 'Los Angeles' a storm in general wasn't normal, apparently the weather there is 'perfect', not much rain, although I don't see what's wrong with Duscofe, we don't even have weather! Anyway, I got sidetracked.
*returning to flashback*
Suddenly the weather channel cut out, and an emergency channel popped up on the screen! "Come here Paul, said my mother", my father came and sat down on their red bed in their red apartment. There was a woman standing in the screen, she had red hair, and brown eyes, she was wearing a yellow flowery dress (because it was really the middle of the summer!) To say the least she looked unprepared. Wind was blowing her papers around as she was trying to sort through them, her hair was blowing in her face, when she brushed it away it just flew right back. Finally she gave up. "Scientists have called from their labs, interrupting their research to inform us that the earth is going to freeze over, and then result in an explosion at 11:46 A.M. tomorrow morning!", Exclaimed the emergency news woman. She seemed to be in just as much shock as everyone else.
She went on, "Astronauts have lined up spaceships in every city, leave at once, find your city's station! It's your only hope!"
They left at once, knowing not everyone would get off the planet. They didn't even pack. Only 21,122,234 earthlings got off the planet in time, and luckily my parents were two of them.
They were on a spaceship traveling to what is now my home planet, Duscofe.
They didn't know where they were going at the time, but the earthlings found a planet in a distant galaxy with clean air and water, so they decided to set up camp there, at least long enough to figure out a plan. After some people scoped out the planet all the earthling ships headed to Duscofe.
Thats where I came in. On the way there my mother gave birth to me. There where some problems when she was giving birth. (I'm not going to go into details) 'BOOM! The loud noise was suspected to be Earth's explosion, that noise made people shed many tears for their loved ones who didn't get off the planet, but the most tears were from my father, because at that exact moment my mother died from giving birth to me. It was exactly 3 minutes and 30 seconds after my birth. 12 years ago.
*Returning from flashback*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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