Part 5 - They Don't Know

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"No I don't, listen to their wasted lines, got my eyes wide open and I see the signs. 'Cos they don't know about us, and they've never heard of love..." Billy sang out in the shower, and with Kirsty McColl's words echoing in her ear, her mind wandered absentmindedly back to the evening before. Under the jet of water, Billy took a breath and put the situation out of her mind. It was far too messy and far to improbable to even think about.  As the song ended, Billy got out and wrapped a towel around her and left to get ready for the day, telling herself to pretend like nothing had happened. Becasue nothing had happened, right?

"So Jared love. How was fishing yesterday?" Emma said over breakfast. Billy sat opposite Eve with a cup of tea and started intently at it, not looking up at Eve once. Eve on the other hand, sat next to Jared, hand in his on the table, and ate a bagel with the other hand as she listened to Jared talk on about his fishing trip, watching him carefully, as if she was really interested. Billy allowed herself one look at Eve, and where she expected to find her staring back, found she was blissfully ignorant of Billy altogether, focussing all her attention on Jared. Billy couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, which she quickly pushed out of her mind. 'I don't know why you even care' Billy wondered to herself, 'nothing actually happened, you've just made this all up in your head.'

After Billy and Eve had helped Emma clean away breakfast, Emma turned to Billy with her fake smile. "Billy sweetheart, how about you and Eve take Morris out for a walk this morning? You girls need to spend some more time together I think, just the two of you."

Billy closed her eyes as she felt her cheeks flush again, and taking a deep breath, allowed Eve to answer for her. "Oh, is that a good idea? I don't mind at all, up to you Billy." Eve said, the tone of her voice forcing Billy to look at Eve and narrow her eyes, in an attempt to convey a quick 'what are you up to' stare, which Eve ignored entirely.

"I don't know, maybe Jared can go instead-"

"Nope I agree with Emma," Jared said, "I think you need to spend time with Eve to get to know her like I do, then you'll understand how great she really is," and with that Jared kissed Eve on the cheek, leaving Billy, to stare between Emma and Jared in desperation. But she knew it was futile, it had been decided.

"Fine." Billy said softly, and walked off to find the dog lead, and have a very sudden but very forceful freak out once she was out of sight of everyone. After she'd calmed down, she called out for Morris and found Eve waiting for her outside.

"Ready to go?" Eve asked sprite-fully. In response, Billy could only manage a nod.

They walked in silence, only the sound of Billy's music through her headphones disturbed the quiet of their walk. After about 5 minutes, Eve asked for the other headphone, and leaned in to share Billy's music. Billy wondered if this close Eve could hear the pounding of her heartbeat.

"Oh wow. George Micheal. Did not expect that."

"Why not? You've been through my playlists, you saw him there."

"Well yeah, I saw Wham! But I didn't expect Freedom 90, god, where did you get your taste in music from?"

Billy looked down at her feet for a second. "These are all my mum's favourite songs, she'd play them for me when we'd drive around together. She'd say 'Amelia, I can promise you this, there is nothing music cannot do to make a situation any worse'"

Eve smiled. "So is that your real name? Amelia?"

"Yeah but I hate it, after mum died every time someone said my name it was a reminder, so I started going by Billy.

"Hm. I like it. Billy that is - not Amelia, that doesn't suit you at all."


Eve's hand suddenly brushed Billy's and she couldn't help but smile to herself. It was almost reassuring, that she was only joking about her name. They fell back into silence, their hands brushing against one another ever couple of minutes or so. After they'd been walking for around 20 minutes, Eve broke the silence.

"For an 18 year old, you know you're actually quite wise. It's almost calming to be around you."

"Oh. Really?"

"Yeah. I could not have been more wrong about you, you aren't immature at all, you're more emotionally mature than a lot of people I know."

Billy considered this for a moment. "I was wrong about you too, you aren't clingy or too posh, you're..." Billy thought over her next words carefully, "you're a very understanding and thoughtful person. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Urm, well, Jared, is lucky to have you"

Eve was quiet after that. The silence was deafening. They walked on for another 5 minutes like that then all of a sudden, she picked up Billy's hand and lead her off the path.

"Eve where are you off to, you don't know these paths at all...Eve can you slow down for a second Morris can't catch up... Eve, stop! Where are you going?"

Eve stayed silent and walked, hand in hand with the girl behind her, who followed anxious and confused. Finally when Eve reached the bridge Billy had had enough. She pulled her hand it from Eve's grip.

"Eve. WHAT is going on? You can just drag me off the path to some godawful bridge in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, in a wood you don't even know at all, I mean what is going on with you?" Billy questioned loudly, hysteria rising in her voice. Eve waited for her to finish, watching Billy's lips intently.

"Are you done?" She said after a second.



Before it had even happened, Billy knew what was coming. Eve took two steps forward as Billy took a step back and allowed Eve to push her against the side of the bridge as their lips met.

For a second Billy forgot everything, the world disappeared around her, and when complete disbelief passed, found herself holding onto Eve's coat and pulling her closer, needing her closer than she already was. Eve breathed in Billy's scent like she was dependent on it, cigarette smoke mixed with toothpaste and a touch of a floral perfume, she craved it. One hand fell onto Billy's waist whilst the other cupped her face lightly, tracing the line of her jaw with her finger, then lifting a strand of hair away from Billy's neck and she traced small kisses down to below her jaw. She nipped and kissed Billy's neck until a soft gasp escaped her lips, when she then pulled away and looked adoringly onto a face only days before she had thought very little of.

The girls stared intently at each other's faces, panting in time, letting a wave of euphoria wash over them.

Billy leant up from the bridge and spun Eve into the wall, leaning against her arm and lowered herself to Eve's lips. She tasted like oranges and smelt like cedar, Billy was lost in the way their lips moved in complete sync with one another, noting her small gasp when Billy ran her tongue across Eve's bottom lip, smiling in victory into the kiss. When they broke apart, it was like Billy was missing something and she wanted to kiss her straight away again. She had never felt anything like it.

Eve sighed and took the back of Billy's head in her hand and pressed their foreheads together. They stayed like that for a while, breathing each other's air and listening to each other's breaths calm from heavy to light before they broke apart to walk home.

As they rejoined the main path, Eve took Billy's hand in her own, and they walked home. Neither said a word on the way back. They didn't have to.

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