Chapter 4

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I don't own anything but story

Hope you enjoy :-)

---_------------+----------- keep........

''Gosh dang it!" Zatanna nearly shouted out in the middle of English class, ''Awww,'' the academys' bully said, ''the new girl broke her nail?" The bully was wearing a Gotham Academy uniform with his hair all spiked up will gel, he had dim brown eyes, and was wearing a golden nicolas. ''Shut up Bumble'' The one and only Dick Grayson said, the bullys' name must've been Bumble because he gave Grayson a stare, ''Get lost circus freak, go watch your family die again.'' Dick had enough of this because at that exact moment Dick swiftly kicked Bumble in the jaw. Zatanna looked at Dick surprised and Artemis just let Dick cry while she was shushing him, ''Shhh dikkie-bird, you have a new family now.'' Artemis surprisingly said. Dick got dentition and Artemis punched the kid again to get dentition so she could keep Dick company.


Dick was still dismal in detention even though Artemis tried to cheer him up. She, seeing Dick looked up in surprise, went into consideration of she saying something right, but just then they saw a certain sorceress at the door, ''Dick...'' Zatanna whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, ''I know your Robin...'' ''Zatanna...'' Dick started, ''I wanted to say this for a long time... I love you-'' but he never got to finish his sentence because Zatanna pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

The end.

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