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Warm clear blue skies,

Summer heat and scattered flies,

Calm breeze and the dusty ground,

The hum of the stream makes a gentle sound,

The song of birds fills the air,

The animals sleep without a care,

Green grass and dotted flowers,

Tall trees like shady towers,

Sweet smells scent the scene,

Drowsy eyes take the warmth so keen,

Swaying grass, shining green,

Colour covers everything that's seen,

Peace and calm takes a hold,

On this reality that seems so untold,

Hidden away from human eye,

The Garden Of Eden under the perfect sky,

In the centre lays a tree,

Laid with blood red apples clear to see,

The tree symbolises the beautiful seranity,

Keeping those by it on a path of honesty,

This tree stands for good amongst mankind,

So weak but pure and hard to find,

The one thing stopping complete chaos and misery,

Stopping unhappiness and trechery,

Growing there so beautifully,

In the meadow so peacefully,

Under the blue skies,

Surrounded by summer heat and scattered flies,

By the stream and lush green grass,

The gurgle of the stream marks time pass,

The birds song filling the air,

All those living there without a care,

The girl walks in, her long hair swaying in the wind,

She was truly a work of art but had an air about her so sinned,

In her hand was the key to the end of the meadow where the animals sit,

End of civilisation as everyone knows it,

All eyes on her as she all but dances over to the tree,

It's blood red apples make it clear to see,

Her feet barely touch the ground with her smooth stealth,

She pauses and gives a little laugh to herself,

Her hand reaches up and she takes a fruit so forbidden,

She then takes a few steps with the object in her other hand so hidden,

Before raising her hand and "bang" it's done,

As the tree sets ablaze she turns to run,

In her other hand a gun made by no mere mortal,

She doesn't look back as she leaps through her portal,

Leaving behind her the death and destruction,

For nobody knows how her mind functions...

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