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So, he wants to be friends with me? To be honest I was surprised. Its rare to see your own enemy wanting to befriend you.

But, I think he wants to be friends with me cause he wants to tell everyone how HE tamed the God of Destruction! Yeah! He wants to show everyone how he TAMED me like a pet!

Well, you are our pet.

Yeah! But more of a torture pet!

I don't even know why you still exist.

You should die. You'd be making yourself a favour. Not only yours, but everyone.

Yeah! No one will ever remember you anyway!

You would just be a forgotten sans.

He isn't even a sans. He's a glitch.

And... There back. I was juts having a break. Than they came. Why won't you just give me a break?

Like hell we would! Like I said, your our torture pet!

Seeing you suffer would be fun.

I would rather see him hanging himself.

Glitch, go and stab yourself in the head! I rather see you suffer!

I agree. You'll be forgotten anyways.

I rather see him dead though.


Hmmm for a second thought that would be fun. But.. Where should I stab myself. I don't wanna dust myself so maybe in the head.

Oh my god! He's really doing it!

Heh. I thought he be smart loser. Looks like he's also a dumb loser.

I'm actually excited on what's gonna happen.

I summon a bone and just make it pierce through my head. I can't really feel anything. I've had worse than this.

Hmph! I wanted you to scream glitch!

Yeah. Scream!

But, he can't cause he's mute.

We all know that's not real.

Yup. They were right. I wasn't really mute. I pretend to be mute. So ink won't ask any questions and I won't need to answer any of them.

I open a portal to Outertale. I got up and walk through it. I still have a hole on my skull but it'll heal.

I walk to my favourite cliff and sat there. Looking at the stars. There so beautiful. I just want to stay here forever but there's a risk I'll get caught.

I decided to stay there so I took out my knitting set and my glasses. I put on my glasses and started to knit. After a few minutes, a voice called my name.

"Duncle Error!" it was Cosmic. Outer!Chara.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.
'Relaxing.' I signed. She nodded while smiling.
"Well, I have to go now. Frisk decided to do Genocide again. Sowwy Duncle Error!"
'It's okay.'

She walked off and I resumed knitting. I knitted a puppet that looks like Cosmic. I'll give it to her later.

I open a portal to the Anti-void and throw my knitting set in there. I put the puppet and my glasses in my pockets.

Suddenly I felt pain in my chest. That pain means that Ink creates another copy. And that means I'll have to destroy.

I open a portal to the new copy. I walk in but.. It looks different. The houses, the sign, grillbys, everything looks the same. Except there was no one in it.

My instincts told me I should go but I was curious. I step one step further and immediately feel a lot of sanses here.

I attempted on making a portal to run but.. Black ink was splattered on it, making it close. I turn around and saw hundreds of sanses and a few papyruses there.

"I tried becoming your friend Error. But, you denied. Looks like we'll just have to finish you off." Ink said.


Error just stared at them. He didn't know what to feel. He just feel blank.

"Charge!!" Ink shouted and all of the sanses and papyruses ran to Error. Some throwed bones and firing gaster blasters at him. But all that Error did was dodge.

Time passed by and most of the sanses were tired. Only Ink, Dream, Fell and Classic was standing.

"Please Error. Join us. You can be better. I know you can." Dream said. He sounded like he was pleading and begging Error to join them.

But Error knew he can't. That will just tip off the balance. Dream kept on begging him to join and stop destroying.

"Error, your just scared right? You don't even want to destroy, right?" Ink asked.

Error flinched at what Ink said. He didn't expect Ink to knew he didn't want all of this.

"Your just lonely, right? You just want company. You just want a friend."

Errors eye sockets began to water. His blank face changing into a sad expression.

Ink expected Error to cry. But, he didn't. Error just smiled.

Not a happy smile.
An insane smile.

'Huh. Nice speech you got there. But that won't change who I am.'

In a blink of an eye, Ink, Dream, Fell and Classics body was tied up with blue strings. They tried squirming out but that only made the strings to tighten them.

Errors sad face turned into blank again. He just tied up the four and made a portal for himself. He walk off and disappeared.


Heya! Do you like this chap?

For me it's kinda cringy but eh. Don't care.

So, what do you think about Ink doing that little speech just now?

Was Ink really sincere or... Was that a way for him to kill Error?

Read at the next chap!

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