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Barbara Ramierez is just another sidekick. Although, no one is sure of where her power came from, as she was adopted when she was younger. Barbara often gets jealous though, because both her mom and younger sister have the power to use telekinesis. Barbara doesn't really have a set group who she hangs out with and often goes with the flow. Barbara is often really self conscious of her power, so she makes up for it by practicing fighting and martial arts so at least she has something to back herself up. Barbara has also never won a match of Save the Citizen, as she's often purposefully picked by the winners, just for them to have a laugh when they take her down. Barbara started having a notebook of everyone's power and Save the Citizen strategy. Maybe one day, Barbara will show that she's not just a ball full of air.

"Barbaraaaaaa! Barbara wake up!" Barbara's mom yells at her daughter from the hall. Barbara lets out a long sigh of sadness before getting ready. You see, Barbara never really took much of a liking to Sky High. Even though Barbara was friendly enough, that didn't exactly mean she was popular. In fact, it was exactly the opposite. On the very first day of Barbara being at Sky High, Coach Boom told everyone to demonstrate their super power. Barabara was so excited to show everyone what she could do. Her parents told her that she could do something special with her ability. And Barbara believed it. Even though her power wasn't exactly normal, that's why Barabara thought she could be a hero. Until the first day of gym class at Sky High.

Coach Boomer called her name on the roster. With a confident stride in her step, Barabara made her way to the center of the gym. That's when it happened. Barabara leaped into the air and immediately turned herself into the special bouncy ball that her parents said she was. Everyone stared at her. She could even hear someone people snickering in the back of the gym. "Sidekick", Coach Boom said without hesitation and then proceeded to kick her off the platform.

It was an embarrassment. From that day on, Barbara never used her power in front of anyone besides her family. Because she knew everyone would laugh just like they had before. Barbara snapped back into reality because of a loud knock on her door. It was Barbara's mom again. "Come on Barbara, you're going to be late for the bus." Barbara quickly flung open her closet and grabbed her favorite emerald, white, and red polo, white skirt, and white and red Adidas combo. She then threw open her bedroom door and ran downstairs. Barbara grabbed a granola bar, water, and her light grey backpack before heading out. "Goodbye Maxine" (Maxine is Barbara's younger sister) "Bye mom! I've gotta...bounce." Barbara said with a wide smile. "And don't think I've forgotten about you either Cleo." Barabara knealt down and pet her bulldog before running out the door.

Barbara checked the time on her phone. It read 8:15. Thank goodness, I still have 10 minutes, Barbara thought to herself. After walking another block, she approached her bus. The door opened and Barbara was greeted by her favorite (and only) bus driver, Ron Wilson. Barbara quickly walked to the back like always. She pulled out her hair brush and portable toothbrush to finish up the morning routine she hadn't finished earlier. Barabara then tightly pulled her hair into a tight, high ponytail and by that time, she was ready to take on the day.

"Ugh, gym." Barbara groaned to herself. It wasn't that she hated exercising or anything. In fact, she loved it. But today was Friday, the day when all the classes combined to play all of the hero's favorite game, Save the Citizen. All of the sidekicks hated this game. They had the disadvantage because of their powers. Especially when it was 2 sidekicks on a team. That was an automatic loss. Barbara pulled out her notebook to take notes on whoever was about to play. Barbara constantly made notes of each person going and what their strategy was so eventually Barbara could use it against them. Coach Boomer loudly announced the first person on the playing hero team, "Penny Lent". The copycat stood up and waved to everyone and blew them kisses. The audience cheered loudly for the popular cheerleader. "And now for her partner", Coach Boomer exclaimed "Barbara Ramirez!" Barbara's eyes grew as wide as bouncy balls when she heard her name. The audience grew quiet as Barbara slowly crept down through the aisles of students. Barbara went up to Coach Boomer to collect her armor. Then up to Penny. Here goes nothing, Barbara thought to herself.

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