Chapter 12

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The group of champions had agreed amongst themselves that Christmas this year would be about being together, rather than gifts. Each was supplying hospitality for at least part of the holidays and concentrated on gifts for their family though Harry had Dobby bring a case of wine to the Krums', thanking them for their hospitality.

Emma, Hermione and Luna awoke Christmas morning to fabulous jewellery sets that exactly matched their gowns for this evening's ball, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and even a tiara! All three complained about them being far too expensive. When Harry answered that, rather than lying in a vault, they should be worn by beautiful ladies, he received hugs and kisses. Dan received a set of golf clubs with a promise of playing a round in Australia while Colin was delighted but confused with his underwater camera kit.

Luna's gift to Hermione had her in tears which worried the little blond, "Hermione I'm sorry, I thought you would like it."

Luna suddenly had a crying Hermione wrapping her arms around the worried witch. "Luna I love it, these are happy tears because this just bought it all home that it's real."

Luna now happily returned the hug. "I know exactly how you feel Hermione, I find I have to pinch myself a few times every day."

Hermione showed her mother the gift, a book entitled 'Planning your Wedding'. With a look of longing in her eyes Hermione said, "Only six hundred and thirty three days to go but who's counting?"

She felt Harry's arms around her so leant back into him, his whispered "I am!" made her Christmas.

Arriving at the Delacour chââteau a little blond buzz bomb flew past them as if they didn't exist to reach her big sister, it was a smiling Claude Delacour who welcomed them into his home and introduced his wife Apolline.

Harry was immediately concerned for his friend. "Monsieur Delacour I invite you to stay with us for the second task, our residence is considered Goblin territory and your family will be safe there."

"It's Claude Harry, and is there something you're not telling us?"

"The next task involves something that we would sorely miss being taken from us and held hostage at the bottom of a very deep lake, you don't have to be a genius to work out who they will take to be Fleur's hostage." Anyone who saw the two sisters' greeting couldn't argue with that assessment. "I intend to ensure all my friends will be staying there that night, also Victor's family too. I hardly think they could place the minister of magic at the bottom of the lake so we will have to figure out who they will take for Cedric and get them safe also."

Apolline had her hand over her mouth in shock as she watched her two wonderful daughters happily trying to catch up on months of news in the space of minutes. "Oh we were already worried about this task, a Veela's magic is all about air and fire so the first test suited her perfectly. Being underwater will rob Fleur of at least half her magical power, I don't think I could stand knowing both my girls were at the bottom of that lake."

Victor's English was improving but even his accent couldn't disguise the feeling in his words. "Do not worry Madame, we will take care of Fleur. No harm will come to your daughter and no one will be left behind, you have my word."

"And ours!" Cedric figured it was a safe bet answering for Harry as well, since the whole idea was his in the first place.

Apolline from bitter personal experience could easily tell the difference between Veela powered promises and genuine affection offered from friendship, she was now even more delighted that these people would be spending Christmas day with them. As a Veela herself, Apolline was well aware that it was exceedingly difficult to make friends, this competition might actually turn out to be a positive experience as Fleur appeared to have found some really good ones, both male and female.

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